Anti-Israel Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. (L) and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. (AP/Carolyn Kaster, File) AP/Carolyn Kaster, File
Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib

In 2022, the majority of  tweets on foreign affairs by Omar, Tlaib and AOC targeted the world’s only Jewish state, instead of the 193 other countries in the world.

By United with Israel Staff

Last week, the House of Representatives booted Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee over her antisemitism.

While she denies being an antisemite, her social media activity, and that of her Squad colleagues, reveals a disproportionate focus on the Jewish state that has nothing to do with the interests of constituents.

Specifically, an online activist who runs the “Political Jew” Instagram account analyzed 12 months of online activity by Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), and Rashida Tlaib and the results reflect their obsession with Israel.

In a post entitled “The Squad: 12 Month of Double Standards,” Political Jew tracked tweets by the three lawmakers related to foreign affairs, dividing them into (1) tweets about Israel, and (2) tweets about the other 193 countries in the world.

The post notes that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of “antisemitism” includes “applying double standards [to Israel] by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.” The post defines “double standard” as “a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups.”

In 2021, Political Jew determined that 79% of Omar’s tweets on foreign affairs targeted Israel, with AOC at 75% and Tlaib at 90%.

In 2022, 51 of Omar’s 107 tweets on foreign affairs (48%) targeted Israel, with the worlds worst human rights abusers receiving a tiny fraction of her tweets (China – 3.8%, Russia 17%, Saudi Arabia 17.9%). Omar made so few tweets about Iran, it didn’t even earn a slice on the post’s pie chart.

For reference, a woman who improperly wore the hijab died in Iranian custody in 2022, and the Islamic Republic murdered in cold-blood protesters on the street, in addition to sentencing others to death.

Where were your tweets about Iran, Ilhan?

Rashida Tlab’s anti-Israel obsession in 2022 was even more pronounced than Omar’s. A whopping 46 of Tlaib’s 52 foreign affairs tweets (88.5%) focused on Israel in 2022. The majority of the others focused on Russia and Israel’s alley, the United Arab Emirates.

Where were your your tweets about Iran, Rashida?

As for AOC, 5 of her 13 foreign affairs tweets (38%) focused on Israel in 2022.

Combined, close to 63% of the Squad members’ foreign affairs tweets focused on Israel in 2022.

Political Jew’s methodology is included as the last slide of the Instagram post.


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As these statistics indicate, Ilhan Omar disproportionately focused her foreign affairs tweets on the world’s only Jewish state. Her fellow Squad members’ record is equally problematic.

Omar’s record is even more troubling in light of her lengthy history of promoting antisemitic conspiracies and tropes, and her baffling recent claim that she didn’t even know that antisemitic tropes existed when she spread these anti-Jewish conspiracies.

Accusations of antisemitism have dogged Omar since she first arrived on the political scene.

The Minnesota Democrat supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign, which seeks Israel’s destruction. She has also falsely labeled Israel an apartheid state.

In 2012, she tweeted, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

In 2018, she claimed that U.S. support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins,” alluding to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills with a veiled reference to bribery. Omar has also insinuated that her Jewish Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill have dual loyalties.



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