MK Masud Ganaim (R). (Miriam Alster/Flash90) (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
MK Masud Ganaim
A model of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. (Shutterstock)

A model of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. (Shutterstock)

Using the false narrative cited by the Palestinian Authority, Arab Member of Knesset Masud Ganaim claims there never was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.  

Arab Member of Knesset (MK) Masud Ganaim of the Joint Arab List stated in an interview on IDF Radio that the Holy Temple in Jerusalem never existed.

Ganaim made the false statements on Sunday on the day of Tisha b’Av, when the Jews mourn the destruction of the First and Second Temples.

He was asked about the Muslim rioting on the Temple Mount on Sunday in an attempt to stop Jews from entering the holy site.

Ganaim said that the Palestinian rioting was not the issue, insisting that any Jewish presence on the Temple Mount was a “provocation” and that their desire to pray there was the problem.

“The State of Israel knows that Jews and Israel have no legitimacy to the site, except for their legitimacy as an occupier — a legitimacy [won] by force,” asserted Ganaim. “Historically, religiously, it is a Muslim site, period.”

When asked if a Jewish temple ever existed at the site, Ganaim said, “No, no.”

“As a history teacher I know this… Perhaps it is known [that there was a temple somewhere], but not there, not there. You are welcome to go look for the Temple in a different place, at a different time,” Ganaim said.

Yinon Magal

MK Yinon Magal. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

Israeli MK Yinon Magal, who was part of the interview, rejected Ganaim’s claims, saying they were a distortion of history.

He added that there is a system of “apartheid” on the Temple Mount, as Jews have only limited access and are barred from praying on the Temple Mount, even though it is the holiest spot in the world for Judaism.

Ganaim did not respond to these charges, but he repeated multiple times Palestinian Authority claims, that the Temple Mount has always been holy to Islam only.

By: United with Israel Staff

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