A Palestinian terrorist throws a fire bomb at Israeli security forces. (Photo: Yossi Zamir/Flash90) (Yossi Zamir/Flash90)

The second fire-bombing act of terror against Israelis within two days occurred on Saturday night when an Arab attacked a Jerusalem apartment building. 

An Arab terrorist shoots firecrackers at an Israeli target. (Photo: Hadas Parush/ Flash90)

An Arab terrorist shoots firecrackers at an Israeli target. (Photo: Hadas Parush/ Flash90)

A firebomb was thrown at an Israeli home in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night, apparently by Arab terrorists. The bomb hit the balcony and caught fire, causing damage to the building. No one was injured in the attack.

Security forces launched a search for the attackers in the Arab Jabel Mukaber neighborhood, which is adjacent to Armon Hanatziv.

Marcel Kornicher, one of the building’s tenants, told Ynet that he and his wife were sitting in their living room when the incident occurred. “My wife suddenly saw fire and we had no idea why. We heard a boom which was extremely frightening. We were in shock. The bomb did not penetrate the apartment, but if it had gotten into our house, it could have set the house on fire.

“We saw what kind of damage firebombs can do last week,” he said, referring to the attack in which an 11-year-old girl was critically wounded in a car by a Molotov cocktail on Thursday evening.

“I went to a neighbor downstairs. She was in shock, and I saw the actual firebomb. Police and firefighters arrived, and fortunately there was nothing left for them to do. It’s especially shocking for old people like us,” said Kornicher.

He further told Ynet that the building had been targeted several times by stones thrown from Jabel Mukaber. Two months ago, a firebomb was tossed at the house.

The Armon Hanatziv neighborhood has repeatedly been targeted by Arabs terrorists who simply cross the street from their homes and attack Israelis.

Young Terror Victim Fighting for Her Life

Burned car after firebomb attack.  (Photo: David Diamant/ Tazpit News Agency)

Burned car after firebomb attack. (Photo: David Diamant/ Tazpit News Agency)

Eleven-year-old Ayala Shapira, who was severely burned by a firebomb thrown by Arab terrorists on Thursday night, is still fighting for her life.

She incurred third-degree burns to more than 50% of her body, including her face and neck. She faces a prolonged and grueling rehabilitation process.

Her father, who was also lightly wounded in the attack, is still hospitalized. The family’s car was completely burned.

This was the second time in the past month that the Shapira family, who live in the El Matan community in Samaria, had experienced a terror attack of this nature. Earlier this month,  Ayala’s mother, was also targeted by Palestinians throwing a fire bomb. She escaped that attack.

The Shabak (Israel’s Security Agency) announced on Saturday that they had captured the perpetrators, two Palestinians from the village of Azzoun in Samaria. One of the attackers is only 16 years old. Both confessed to the crime.

By: United with Israel Staff

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