December 15th, 2014

Even in the midst of cleaning filth and garbage, this sweet holy man finds reason to smile every morning and to thank his Creator for all that He gives him.


November 12th, 2014

Two pure and beautiful souls, murdered for their one and only crime of being Jewish. And this is the reality of the Jewish people.


October 2nd, 2014

To my dear readers who observe Yom Kippur and to all my dear brothers and sisters who may be experiencing a screaming and crying soul like I had all those years ago: Come back home! Most people generally love Chanukah or Passover. Some really go all out on Purim. Others love Rosh Hashana. When someone asks me... Read more »


September 21st, 2014

It is a great time of year to let go of past grievances and an equally great time to ask the Almighty to support us in granting those people complete amnesty.


August 29th, 2014

My daughter is almost eight months old and my son is two years old, but I don't believe that children are ever too young to learn from their environment.


August 27th, 2014

Though we think it's insanity to accept a truce with terrorists, I keep praying that our leaders see things from a perspective that none of us will ever see or hear.


August 11th, 2014

In my heart of hearts, even in the excruciating pain of all of our losses, I truly believe that we've made our Father in Heaven proud of us.


July 31st, 2014

How can I allow for my little ones to squeal in joy and delight when my other children are in very serious danger, fighting for their existence as well as for ours?


July 24th, 2014

Instead of sitting in a classroom in Canada learning about Jewish history or in a comfortable armchair watching the news unfold, my children will be making Jewish history.
