December 6th, 2015

Soon it will be apparent to all of us, each of us, perhaps too late, that peace can only be achieved if the Islamic extremists will concede, as Israel has requested since 1948 -- that I "have a right to exist!"


October 31st, 2015

On January 13, 1898, Emile Zola wrote an open letter in the newspaper L’Aurore the world-shaking J’accuse, which was pivotal to the re-opening of the Dreyfus trial and the exposure of the treason and conspiracy that made this Jew a scapegoat in an anti-Semitic French society convicted wrongly and sentenced to Devil’s Island. His article... Read more »


June 14th, 2015

“Before the world of truth can come, the world of lies must disappear." - Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook


May 31st, 2015

What is frightening is that history is repeating itself. Before long, the reality of the ISIS threat will hit us. Wake up before it is too late!


May 4th, 2015

The events of this week in Baltimore – albeit, a blimp in the chaos of the world-at-large – has prompted my writing this article. The mayor of that city tells her police force to "stand down."


March 25th, 2015

Where is the data to support the Orwellian DoubleSpeak coming out of the White House and proliferated by the leftist media?


March 16th, 2015

Please, for the sake of the future of Israel, the survival of the Jewish People and the future of mankind, do not elect Armageddon!


March 2nd, 2015

Tuesday is around the corner. Just any other day? Or does it have a significance of epic proportions? Mere happenstance or Divine providence?
