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Canada’s plan to welcome immigrants from Gaza raises concerns about the vetting process.

By Hugh Fitzgerald, Front Page Magazine

The government of Justin Trudeau in Canada is preparing to welcome Palestinian immigrants from Gaza: “Amid record-high immigration and food bank usage, Canada announces plans to take in Gaza refugees,” by Thomas Brooke, Remix News, December 22, 2023:

Marc Miller [Immigration Minister] stated that “security is paramount” and explained there would be a “two-stage approach” to vetting applicants, including the screening conducted at the Rafah Border Crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, as well as biometrics that are performed in Cairo….

What kind of screening of these Gazans will be done? Will those applying for visas to be admitted to Canada be asked, for example, about their view of the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7? Of course, they will claim to be just as horrified as anyone else.

But we have the results of a Palestinian opinion poll conducted in December, in which 82% of Gazans expressed their support for the October 7 attacks (the percentage was even higher in the West Bank, where 85% of the Palestinians supported those attacks).

Given that figure, does the government of Canada really want to admit into its midst people who overwhelmingly support the Hamas atrocities: beheadings of babies and burning alive of children, the gang-rapes, tortures, and killing of young girls, the slicing off of the breasts of women, the gouging out of eyes, and cutting off of genitalia, of men, the murder of children in front of their parents, and of parents in front of their children?

Doesn’t Ottawa realize what a danger it will be importing, with Canadian Jews the group most obviously threatened, but so, too, are Christians and Hindus? Doesn’t the government of Canada owe a duty to not unnecessarily endanger its own citizens? If it recognizes that duty, it should not go forward with admitting these Gazans.

It’s true that these Gazans are to be given three-year visas, but does anyone think that at the end of that time, the Canadian government would be able, or willing, to remove them from the country? The outcry from the left would be enormous; protest marches with demands of “hey, hey, hey/let them stay,” would be held in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver.

During those three years when their visas remain valid, the Gazans would have accumulated a network of supporters, from fellow Muslims in Canada, and from the political left that, as everywhere in the Western world, supports Muslim immigration.

There has been a 50% rise in anti-Islam sentiment in just one year. Almost half of the Canadian population believes Islam “is damaging society and public life.”

Yet here is the Trudeau administration, so uncaring of what the citizenry thinks, that it is prepared not merely to admit more Muslims, but precisely those Muslims who are the most virulent in their hatred of Jews and in their support for the Hamas atrocities committed against them.

The Canadians have lost what enthusiasm they might once have had for immigration, and are especially scathing, as those opinion polls show, about the benefits of Muslim immigrants.

Canada’s government should respond to the will of the people.

What do Canadians think of the plan to admit Gazans — Muslim Arabs, filled with rage — to Canada? Remix News reported on Dec. 22: “New research published this week by the Angus Reid Institute showed that the number of Canadians who believe the religion is damaging society and public life in Canada has soared from 29 percent to 43 percent in a year. Just 13 percent say that the growing presence of Islam in Canada is beneficial to society, down from 18 percent in 2022.”

Listen to the people, Prime Minister Trudeau. Do what they want.

Don’t bring in more Muslims, especially those in Gaza have been raised to feel a murderous hatred for Jews.

Remember, Canada already has Younus Kathrada.

In 2019, just before Canadian elections, Kathrada said this to his congregation: “If you are planning on voting, then remember that there are two angels on your shoulders, recording everything that you do and say.

This voting is a testimony and it will be recorded. On Judgement Day, you will stand before Allah and be asked about it.

If you plan on voting… Ask yourself, prepare the answer first – what I am going to tell Allah when Allah asks me: ‘You voted for that filthy non-Muslim – why?’ He or she approves of homosexuality, which Allah declared forbidden from above the seven heavens.

You think that they want good for you? I already told you what Allah said: ‘Never will [the Jews and the Christians] be pleased with you.’

They will continue to oppose you. You are fighting a losing battle. They are all evil. Every single one of them. There may be some rare circumstances, where we would say: ‘Okay, voting may benefit us.’ This is not one of them! They are all evil and filthy. Do you know that every one of them, without exception, supports the Zionists against Islam and the Muslims?”

All too many of the new arrivals from Gaza will readily accept such assertions.

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