December 9th, 2018

We know from innumerable precedents that no matter what historical truths are presented, the anti-Semites will always find a way to justify their Jew-hatred. 


November 26th, 2018

Am I, along with many of my fellow Jews, being overly-sensitive about Verizon and Airbnb’s corporate policies towards Judea and Samaria?


November 19th, 2018

The hate continues. Anti-Semitism is back in full force. But Jews now have a homeland. The Land of Israel is calling you to come home!


November 19th, 2018

"We will make a great and awful mistake if we fail to settle Hebron with a large Jewish settlement, constantly growing and expanding, very soon,” Ben Gurion stated in 1970.


November 11th, 2018

Let’s hope the Republican Party continues to stand up for the Jewish community because it’s clear that Jews cannot count on help or support from the Democrats.


September 6th, 2018

Hopefully it was not Aretha Franklin who invited anti-Semitic, anti-American dregs to her ceremony, but even being friends with Farrakhan is disturbing. 


June 10th, 2018

As long as they cave in to terror, Argentina will fall prey to its hatred and continue to be its victim, whether through bombings, disappearing or sports.


March 4th, 2018

In Israel, we see the prophetic words of Amos: 'They will plant vineyards and drink their wine, cultivate gardens and eat their fruit.'
