'All the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David sealed a covenant with them in Hebron before Hashem (G-d), and they anointed David as King over Israel' (2 Samuel 5:3)
Dr. Mordechai Kedar pointed to Qatar as a perfect relocation destination Gazans, most of whom want to leave, and explained how Qatar might be persuaded to absorb them.
To help cover wartime costs, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has raised the cost of living across the board, leaving millions of citizens watching their take-home pay shrink.
Maj. (res) Yossi Levi calls for greater ultra-Orthodox enlistment, warning that increasing hostility to the religious group could widen the military draft gap.
Tens of thousands of brave young Israelis have sustained life-altering injuries while battling genocidal terrorists in Gaza, yet they refuse to let their wounds stop them from enjoying life and defeating Hamas.
Israel is fast-tracking the deployment of its cutting-edge Iron Beam laser defense system, designed to intercept rockets, drones, and artillery, revolutionizing its short-range air defense.
A real-time brain-monitoring device could enhance drug and explosive detection by confirming when a dog has identified a scent, reducing training times and providing objective data to verify canine alerts.
'The only way a normal rational person could possibly believe their lies is if they are blinded by something else, like Jew hatred for example,' writes Hillel Fuld.
The study examined three feeding patterns: exclusive breastfeeding (39% of participants), combined breastfeeding and formula (49%), and formula only (12%).
General Amir Avivi, founder of Israel's Defense and Security Forum, visits the stunning site of Joshua's Altar, built by the Jews following the Exodus from Egypt.
At Jaffa Port, the vibrant fusion of Purim and Holi turned the streets into a dazzling celebration of dance, color, and tradition, as Israel and India embraced their shared heritage with music, food, and festivity, proving that joy knows no borders.
Bar was reportedly planning to remain in the post until the return of the remaining hostages from the Gaza Strip and the establishment of a state commission of inquiry into Oct. 7—something Netanyahu has resisted, preferring a political panel that would also include security officials.
Former Israeli hostage Iair Horn received a hero’s welcome at a Hapoel Beer Sheva soccer match, where a roaring crowd cheered him on, and he was presented with custom jerseys for his entire family.
US comedian Michael Rapaport celebrates Purim in Tel Aviv, dons a satirical costume and announces he is dressed as the ever-elusive “Gaza Ministry of Health.”
US comedian Michael Rapaport celebrates Purim in Tel Aviv, dons a satirical costume and announces he is dressed as the ever-elusive “The Gaza Ministry of Health.”
US comedian Michael Rapaport celebrates Purim in Tel Aviv, dons a satirical costume and announces he is dressed as the ever-elusive “The Gaza Ministry of Health.”
US comedian Michael Rapaport celebrates Purim in Tel Aviv, dons a satirical costume and announces he is dressed as the ever-elusive 'The Gaza Ministry of Health.'
All the satellites will likely remain operational for about three years, and after that, they’ll become more space junk, eventually burning up in the atmosphere.
A heartwarming Purim celebration at Israel’s President’s House showcased the power of inclusion, as children with disabilities proudly flaunted custom-designed costumes that integrated their mobility devices, highlighting creativity, community spirit, and the joy of togetherness.