'All the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David sealed a covenant with them in Hebron before Hashem (G-d), and they anointed David as King over Israel' (2 Samuel 5:3)

At Jaffa Port, the vibrant fusion of Purim and Holi turned the streets into a dazzling celebration of dance, color, and tradition, as Israel and India embraced their shared heritage with music, food, and festivity, proving that joy knows no borders.

Bar was reportedly planning to remain in the post until the return of the remaining hostages from the Gaza Strip and the establishment of a state commission of inquiry into Oct. 7—something Netanyahu has resisted, preferring a political panel that would also include security officials.

US comedian Michael Rapaport celebrates Purim in Tel Aviv, dons a satirical costume and announces he is dressed as the ever-elusive “Gaza Ministry of Health.” US comedian Michael Rapaport celebrates Purim in Tel Aviv, dons a satirical costume and announces he is dressed as the ever-elusive “The Gaza Ministry of Health.” US comedian Michael Rapaport celebrates Purim in Tel Aviv, dons a satirical costume and announces he is dressed as the ever-elusive “The Gaza Ministry of Health.” US comedian Michael Rapaport celebrates Purim in Tel Aviv, dons a satirical costume and announces he is dressed as the ever-elusive 'The Gaza Ministry of Health.'