Do You Love Israel? Make a Donation - Show Your Support!Donate to vital charities that help protect Israeli citizens and inspire millions around the world to support Israel too! Now more than ever, Israel needs your help to fight and win the war -- including on the battlefield of public opinion. Antisemitism, anti-Israel bias and... Read more »

Join us in saying 'Thank You' to the young heroes of the IDF who protect and defend the citizens of Israel. Send gift packages and personal notes to soldiers on the front lines against terror.

The Palestinians' self-proclaimed Knife Intifada is the latest result of ongoing incitement against innocent Israelis. Help Israel to fight and win the war against terror. The time to help is now!

Do You Love Israel? Make a Donation - Show Your Support!Donate to vital charities that help protect Israeli citizens and inspire millions around the world to support Israel too! Now more than ever, Israel needs your help to fight and win the war -- including on the battlefield of public opinion. Antisemitism, anti-Israel bias and... Read more »

Break the Boycotts - Buy Your Holiday Gifts from Israel!

Join us in saying 'Thank You' to Israeli soldiers by sending Chanukah gifts and personal notes to the young men and women of the IDF who protect and defend the people of Israel.

The Palestinians' self-proclaimed Knife Intifada is the latest result of ongoing incitement against innocent Israelis. Help Israel to fight and win the war against terror. The time to help is now!

Our 'Passover Partners' project connects you with the heroes of Israel who defend our freedom every day. Many soldiers spend the Passover holiday with needy families back home. Join us in sending Passover packages and holiday greetings to IDF soldiers and their families.

The 'Passover Partners' project connects you with the heroes of Israel who defend Israel every day. Many soldiers spend the Passover holiday with needy families back home. Send Passover packages and greetings to IDF soldiers and their families.

United with Israel is proud to sponsor a Chanukah party on a Hebron military base to honor the brave young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives to protect the people of Israel. YOU are invited to join us!

United with Israel’s global community of supporters are partners with the Israeli government and the IDF to improve the State of Israel’s image around the world.

United with Israel’s global community of supporters are partners with the Israeli government and the IDF to improve the State of Israel’s image around the world.