Protests on American campuses are drawing praise from Iran and Hezbollah, revealing an unsettling infiltration by Iran-linked activists into U.S. higher education.

Amidst escalating tensions and geopolitical maneuvering, a troubling alliance between Iran, Hamas, and South Africa emerges as a focal point in global affairs By Robert Williams, Gatestone According to NGO Monitor, South Africa’s case at the ICJ is built on reports from groups with links to terrorist organizations. “South Africa’s submission to the court contains... Read more »

Israel’s Arab citizens defy terrorism, embracing unity and loyalty to the nation amidst adversity. By Bassam Tawil, Gatestone “It’s disheartening to know that among the fallen heroes are Bedouin and Druze soldiers, Muslims, and Christians who courageously defended our country. The Bedouin community mourns all civilian victims, regardless of their background — Jews, Christians, or... Read more »

The message coming from Hamas is that at least part of its leadership is prepared to stay in this deadly game until the last Iran-supplied rockets and missile are fired.