Swastikas and slogans such as 'Hitler on top,' 'Allah hu Akbar,' 'Free Palestine,' 'F**k Israel'' and 'Jew dogs' were spray-painted on the building’s exterior walls.
'We are following with concern and admiration the heroic efforts of the first responders, firefighters, policemen, paramedics and volunteers,' he said.
Knesset speaker Amir Ohana spoke at the event on behalf of the Israeli parliament, saying that 'this high-profile gathering represents the online dream team. And for those peddling lies and hate, the ultimate nightmare.'
The president-elect repeated his stark warning that 'all hell will break loose in the Middle East' if the captives are not released before he takes office.
'Palestinian terrorism will not be tolerated, and Jewish blood will not be spilled in vain,' the Israeli defense minister said at the site of Monday's deadly shooting.
Their operators pulled the profiles for a time to evade detection and have now brought them back online, according to an Israeli online watchdog group.
By centralizing expertise and fostering collaboration across sectors, the AI and Autonomy Administration underscores the IDF’s focus on maintaining qualitative military superiority, which has been central to Israel’s defense strategy.
'Many students learning Hebrew today are hiding, simply because they know that there will be far-left or pro-Palestinian organizations after them to exert pressure,' said a students association delegate.
'I am embarrassed for Brazil and its government, who surrendered to the pro-Palestinian legal terrorism,' chair of Israeli Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee said in response to the Brazilian move.
The State Department informed Congress that the deal’s goal is to support 'Israel’s long-term security by resupplying stocks of critical munitions and air defense capabilities,' one source said.
The children, ranging in age from eight to 18, were attending a three-day Chanukah camp run by OneFamily, an organization supporting victims of terrorism and their families.
Most of the foiled attacks involved firearms (689) and explosive devices (326), with the others being stabbings, car-rammings, suicide bombings and abductions.
This move follows Nvidia’s recent purchase of another Israeli AI startup, Deci AI, which has also been integrated into the expanded development center.