Joint List party member Hanin Zoabi is removed by Knesset security during her speech. (Hadas Parush/Flash90) (Hadas Parush/Flash90)
Hanin Zoabi

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, with the only parliament that has Jewish and Arab members, but Hanin Zoabi, an Israeli Arab member of Knesset with a history of incitement to terror against Israelis, has again crossed the line and may be impeached.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday said he will examine the possibility of having Arab Member of Knesset (Israel’s parliament) Hanin Zoabi impeached following a speech in which she called Israel Defense Forces soldiers “murderers.”

Netanyahu spoke to Israel’s attorney general “to examine the process of ousting Zoabi from the Knesset,” the prime minister wrote on Twitter.

“In her actions and her lies, [Zoabi] crossed every line and there is no room for her in the Knesset,” wrote Netanyahu.

Zoabi, a member of the Joint Arab List political party, also demanded that Israel apologize to “political activists” who participated in the 2010 Gaza flotilla that was intercepted by the Israeli Navy while it attempted to breach the Gaza blockade. Nine Turkish militants were killed in clashes after the Israeli commandos who boarded the flotilla. The newly reached Israel-Turkey reconciliation deal includes $20 million in Israeli compensation for the families of the Gaza flotilla casualties.

Herself a passenger on the Mavi Marmara, part of the 2010 flotilla, Zoabi claimed that Israel agreed to compensate the families because the nine Turks were “murdered.” She also said the reconciliation deal is an admission of guilt by Israel with regards to the flotilla incident.

A shouting match ensued between Zoabi and a number of Knesset members. Zoabi was removed from the podium and three complaints were filed against her with the Knesset’s Ethics Committee.

Zoabi has been previously suspended from the Knesset for four months over meeting with terrorists’ families. She is planning to participate in a women’s flotilla to Gaza in September.


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