Israeli soldiers operating in Gaza. (IDF) (IDF)
IDF, Gaza


The bodies of hostages Hanan Yablonka, Michel Nisenbaum, and Orion Hernandez were recovered by the IDF on Thursday night in Jabaliya, Gaza.

By i24 News and Algemeiner Staff

New information has been released about the IDF operation to recover the bodies of hostages Hanan Yablonka, Michel Nisenbaum, and Orion Hernandez on Thursday night in Jabaliya, Gaza.

The hostages, who were abducted during the October 7th Massacre from the Mefalsim intersection by Hamas terrorists, were located and retrieved in a meticulously planned mission.

The operation began with the 98th Division’s soldiers operating in Jabaliya, where the 75th Battalion eliminated a terrorist acting as a spotter near the location where the bodies were held.

Following this, the soldiers raided the area and discovered the hostages’ remains.

Special forces from the Yahalom Unit, the ISA, and a special unit from the Intelligence Directorate (J2) then executed a nighttime mission to recover the bodies. The intelligence that pinpointed the location of the hostages was gathered and analyzed over several days by the division’s intelligence array, the ISA, and the Abducted and Missing Persons Headquarters in the Intelligence Directorate (J2).

This operation is part of an extensive campaign managed above and below ground, spearheaded by the 98th Division in Jabaliya. The Hostage Task Force Headquarters in the Intelligence Directorate (J2), alongside the ISA and other IDF units, conducted a prolonged research effort to gather and analyze intelligence. This effort culminated in precise directions for the forces on the ground to locate and recover the hostages.

The commander of the 7th Brigade, reflecting on the operation, stated, “Thanks to the relentless efforts of the forces, we were able to bring back the bodies of three individuals to Israel. This is a great privilege for us.”


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