FIELD OF PEACE: Baseball Brings Together Israeli, Emirati Little Leaguers » Tel Aviv baseball children league
A Tel Aviv baseball player from the children's league of the Tel Aviv Red Socks team. (Abir Sultan/Flash90)
Image metadata
Date Taken: 01-May-2009 05:11:15Copyright: Copyright (c) Flash 90 2009
Credit: FLASH 90
Title: Tel Aviv baseball children league
Caption: An Tel Aviv baseball player from the children league of Tel aviv Red Socks team holds his baseball glove during a game in , May 01 2009. Photo by Abir Sultan/Flash90 . *** Local Caption *** úì àáéá áééñáåì
Camera: Canon EOS 40D
Focal Length: 60mm
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter Speed: 1/1250 second