“Israel did not strike this building,” as Amnesty had claimed. “A rocket misfired from Gaza. I was across the street when it happened,” Trey Yingst tweeted.
By United with Israel Staff
Amnesty International “lied on Tuesday” when it accused Israel of bombing the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights building in Gaza and thus violating international law, Im Tirtzu, a pro-Israel watchdog, reported.
Im Tirtzu quoted Fox News correspondent Trey Yingst, reporting from Gaza, who said the building was hit by a rocket that misfired from Gaza and that he witnessed the event. He was responding to a statement released Tuesday by Amnesty International, censuring the IDF.
“We strongly condemn attack on the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights whose office in Gaza was struck by an Israeli missile earlier this morning. Strikes targeting civilian buildings is a violation of international law. We are sending our solidarity to @ICHR_Pal,” the Amnesty statement read.
However, “Israel did not strike this building. A rocket misfired from Gaza. I was across the street when it happened,” Yingst tweeted.

Amnesty International is frequently accused of having an anti-Israel bias and whitewashing the war crimes of Palestinian Arabs, Im Tirtzu said.
Last January, for example, Amnesty released a report, titled “Destination: Occupation,” calling for digital tourism companies to stop doing business in Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria and “profiting from war crimes.” After Airbnb initially succumbed but ultimately returned to doing business with Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria, Amnesty then tried its hand at pressuring TripAdvisor, which touts itself as the “world’s largest travel site.”
“Learn to shoot like a soldier, ride a camel or take a tour of historic sites – all on stolen land! Thanks to help from TripAdvisor, these are all activities you can do when visiting one of the many illegal Israeli settlements,” the Amnesty website said, urging its viewers to “tell TripAdvisor to pull out of illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine.”
Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg on Wednesday accused Amnesty International of deliberately spreading blood libels about Israel.
“Rather than condemning genocidal terrorists who work day and night to murder Jews, Amnesty International opts to condemn Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East,” said Peleg.
“This depraved, so-called human rights organization should be ashamed of spreading blood libels about Israel and siding with terrorists.”

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