Police officers at the scene of the attack. (AP/Christophe Ena) (AP/Christophe Ena)
French police attack

Paris was struck by another Muslim terror attack on the anniversary of the Islamic attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine. 

French police shot and killed a knife wielding terrorist outside a police station in Paris on Thursday, in an apparent incident of Islamic terrorism.

An official says the man shot dead in front of a Paris police station rushed up to officers at the entrance, threatening them with a knife, and was immediately shot dead.

Two officials said the man had wires extending from his clothing, and an explosives squad found that he was wearing a fake explosive vest.

Luc Poignant, a police union official, said the man cried out “Allahu akbar,” Arabic for “God is great,” a phrase often shouted by Muslim terrorists while carrying out attacks.

Hollande police memorial

French President Francois Hollande shakes hands at a police memorial. (Martin Bureau, Pool Photo via AP)

The incident occurred on the anniversary of the Islamic attacks against the Charlie Hebdo newspaper. Minutes before, French President Francois Hollande had paid homage to police officers killed in the line of duty, including three police shot to death last January in by Muslims.

Police said the multi-ethnic neighborhood of Goutte d’Or district of northern Paris was locked down after the shooting.

Neighborhood resident Nora Borrias was unable to get home because of the barricades. Shaken by the incident, she said “it’s like the Charlie Hebdo affair isn’t over.”

Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet told The Associated Press that at this stage of the investigation, police believe only one person was involved and are not looking for other suspects.

A Paris police official said police were investigating the incident as “more likely terrorism” than a standard criminal act.

Hollande had said earlier that what he called a “terrorist threat” would continue to weigh on France.

Yvan Assioma, of the police union Alliance, said tension was high on the anniversary of the attacks against the Charlie Hebdo newspaper. “The alert is constant,” he told the broadcast network iTele.

The country remains under a state of emergency after 132 people were murdered on November 13 in Islamic terror attacks attacks, and extra security was on hand for this week’s commemorations of the Carlie Hebdo attack and the murder of four Jews at the Hyper Cacher kosher market a few days later.

By: AP and United with Israel Staff

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