
Sophie Donio from Eilat is Israel’s first female EMS ambucycle driver; Deputy Minister Michael Oren hosted 1st-ever fast-breaking Iftar dinner in honor of Ramadan; There are currently 18 Israeli-founded companies worth over $1 billion, and much more.


Israel’s first female ambucycle driver

Sophie Donio from Eilat is Israel’s first female EMS ambucycle driver. She is a single working mother, a therapist and a diving instructor who gives up her free time to volunteer with United Hatzalah as an EMT first responder and rush out to save the lives of people she has never met.

Developing a blood test for cancer

The Californian healthcare company GRAIL Inc is sponsoring a research program to detect cancer early, led by Hebrew University Professor Yuval Dor. The program will analyze fragmented DNA in the bloodstream that derives from tumors, to identify the type of cancer responsible.,7340,L-3740107,00.html

Targeting cancer cells in children

Scientists at Israel’s Technion have developed a system for the selective nanoscale transport of the chemotherapeutic Dasatinib in young patients. Polymer micelles enhanced with sugar carry the chemical to cancer cells alone, thus maximizing its efficiency without harming healthy tissues.

$8.4 million for startups to test health software

Israel has launched an $8.4 million p.a. program that enables startups to try out their technologies with the medical data of the four health services. It is part of the National Digital Health plan (see here) which aims to make Israel a global leader in digital health technologies.,7340,L-3740020,00.html

A new view on surgery

Israel’s Beyeonics Surgical (a subsidiary of Elbit) develops Augmented Reality (AR) visualization for surgeons. A head-mounted visor transmits real-time high-resolution imaging of the surgical area, plus patient data, directly before surgeons’ eyes. Beyeonics has just raised $11.5 million of funds.,7340,L-3740165,00.html

Cells learn to overcome difficult pregnancies

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Hadassah Medical Center have discovered that the human body’s “natural killer” cells improve their ability to fight diseases affecting the fetus following the first pregnancy. It could lead to new fertility treatments

A biotech hub at Hadassah

Israel’s LR Group is launching Biohouse – a $14 million network of biotech hubs, initially in Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center and then at two other Israeli hospitals, plus Boston and New York. The Hadassah hub can host 40-50 medical devices and digital health startups and is already 40% full.,7340,L-3740263,00.html


Intel integrates Israeli-Arab workers. Intel has announced a special program to help integrate Arab workers into its Israeli workforce. Led by senior principal engineer Fadi Aboud and team leader Basma Khalaf, Intel will offer its Arab workers special workshops and conferences to boost their careers.,7340,L-3740028,00.html

Prime Minister’s Office hosts Iftar meal

Deputy Minister Michael Oren hosted the first-ever fast-breaking Iftar dinner in honor of Ramadan, held under the auspices of Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office. Due to demand (100 guests accepted the invitation) the event was relocated from the PMO premises to the Knesset itself.

Israel Library displays miniature 10th Century Koran

A tiny 10th-century Koran has gone on display for the first time as part of a collection of Islamic texts being shown at Israel’s National Library to mark the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The Koran is 68 by 37 millimeters and without vowels or punctuation.

Leaders visit from Indonesia, Bulgaria and Austria

Yahya Staquf, secretary general of Indonesia’s 60 million-member Nahdlatul Ulama organization met with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, as did Bulgaria’s PM Boyko Borisov and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

Israel gives Iranians drought relief advice

Israel’s Foreign Ministry has launched a website in Farsi aimed at sharing Israeli water technologies directly with the Iranian people, who are suffering from an unprecedented nationwide drought. The site provides tips on how to save water and improve its use.

World Oceans Day

Israel’s work to preserve the ocean environment is summarized in this video to mark World Oceans Day on 8th June.

Israel’s rescue team in Guatemala

Israeli doctors, nurses and paramedics have been helping at two hospitals in Guatemala City, near to where the Fuego volcanic eruption has killed many and displaced thousands. They also brought the innovative NexoBrid gel from Israel’s MediWound (see here) to treat burns victims.


R&D cooperation with Italy

Israel and Italy have agreed to promote eight academic and six industrial cooperative projects, covering marine biology and agriculture. Both governments will fund NIS 15 million per year, over the course of two years. Israel will fund another NIS 8 million for joint bio-robotics laboratories.

IDF launches $2 billion project to build tech campus

Israel’s Shikun & Binui and Africa Israel have won the tender to build the new IDF information and communications technology center in Beersheba. The center will serve some 5,000 soldiers and career officers from the IDF’s intelligence units, including its cybersecurity units.

Israeli wireless charging for Black & Decker tools

I reported previously (see here) on Israel’s Humavox and its microscopic device, small enough to re-charge hearing aids wirelessly.  Now toolmaker Stanley Black & Decker has invested in Humavox, intending to add its technology to Black & Decker products.,7340,L-3740119,00.html

Feeling unsafe? Summon a drone

A team of students from Israel’s Ben-Gurion University are developing Air-Pal – a personal security app to enable local authorities to respond quicker to emergencies. App users can call up a drone that will transmit live video images to public safety organizations.

Water purification by sterilized medical devices

Israel’s NUFiltration has helped solve the problem of what to do with some of the 125 million dialyzers (artificial kidneys used in dialysis) discarded annually worldwide: They sanitize and repurpose these sophisticated filters as water-purification devices for developing countries.

Saving crops in India

Israeli startup Amaizz is developing a variety of products and services to reduce food losses in grains, cereals, and horticulture by spoilage and degradation throughout the handling, storage, and processing stages. Amaizz has planned an on the ground pilot to take place in 2018 in India.

Cheap, clean fuel cells

Israeli startup GenCell makes fuel cell-based solutions to create emission-free electricity. Its new GenCell A5 is marketed as a replacement for polluting diesel generators used by telecom companies in remote areas. The cell uses ammonia to produce hydrogen, which then generates electricity.


Warren Buffet helps raise $80 million in Israeli Bonds. Global investor and philanthropist Warren Buffet helped secure $80 million in Israel bond purchases at a gathering in Omaha. He spoke of Israel as “one of the most remarkable countries in the world”. Each attendee pledged to buy a minimum of $1 million bonds.

Israeli startups to star at Paris auto show

Calcalist will lead a delegation of Israeli auto and mobility tech companies to the first-ever Mondial Tech conference at October’s Mondial de l’Automobile (Paris Motor Show). Jean-Claude Girot, Mondial’s general commissary, an ardent Israel supporter, will open the conference.,7340,L-3740099,00.html

Huge impact of UK-Israel partnerships

There have been 175 Business deals initiated by the UK-Israel Tech Hub since its 2011 launch. Their combined value of £85 million ($113 million) is estimated to boost the UK economy by potentially £800 million ($1.1 billion) and helps Israeli companies to access global markets.

Canada-Israel trade is booming

Since the original 1997 Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) came into force, bilateral trade has tripled to more than $1.7 billion and fueled job growth in key Canadian sectors. The recently upgraded CIFTA gives almost limitless possibilities for extending Canadian-Israeli partnerships.

Germany leases Israeli drones worth $1.18 billion

The German army is to lease seven of Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI) newest Heron-TP surveillance drones for nine years. The €1 billion ($1.18 billion) deal includes training, logistics, infrastructure, project management, operational support and maintenance.

Billion-dollar companies

There are currently 18 Israeli-founded companies worth over $1 billion. They include WeWork ($20 billion), Magic Leap ($5 billion), Tanium ($5 billion), Houzz ($4 billion), Compass ($2.2 billion), Elastic ($2 billion), Infinidat ($1.6 billion), ironSource ($1.5 billion), Payoneer ($1.5 billion) and Gett ($1.4 billion)


More about “Solution Nation”

I reported previously (13th May) on David Wanetick’s book “Solution Nation” describing 62 Israeli companies developing solutions to problems “that threaten to end life itself or materially degrade the quality of life.” This Israel21c article features 10 companies from the book.

10 Tony awards for Israeli-based musical

“The Band’s Visit,” based on an Israeli film won 2018 Tony Awards for Best musical, book, score, direction of a musical, lighting design, orchestration and sound design. Members of the cast won Best actor in a musical, Best actress in a musical and Best featured actor in a musical.

Miss Iraq visits Israel

Miss Iraq 2017 Sarah Idan is visiting Israel, where she has been warmly received as a cultural hero. She again met Miss Israel, Adar Gandelsman, with whom she had shared a selfie that generated controversy in her country.

Hollywood celebrates Israel’s 70th birthday

Israeli Consul General Sam Grundwerg held “Hollywood Salutes Israel,” – a private VIP reception for 700 guests at Universal Studios in Hollywood to celebrate Israel’s 70th birthday. Stars included Barbra Streisand, Robert de Niro, Michael Douglas, Bill Maher, and Gal Gadot.

Jerusalem Lights Festival

The 10th annual Jerusalem Lights Festival (June 27 – July 5) combines the magical atmosphere of the Old City with innovative and challenging art. Wander through the picturesque alleyways viewing the fascinating light displays and huge video projections on the buildings and walls.


Peace prizes for Israeli Jews and Muslims

Three pairs of Jewish Israelis and Muslim Arabs were awarded the 14th annual Institute of International Education (IIE) Victor J. Goldberg Prize for Peace in the Middle East in Jerusalem, recognizing their work toward advancing peace and reducing tensions in the region.

Archaeologists discover king’s head

Archaeologists have unearthed a 3000-year-old 5cm sculpture of a Biblical king from at Abel Beth Maacah, near Israel’s Lebanese border. But which king? It could be the Aramean Ben Hadad or Hazael of Damascus, Ahab or Jehu of Israel, or Ithobaal of Tyre.

Couple makes Aliya on 71st wedding anniversary

Chicago natives Devorah ‘Doris’ Levitz (91) and Norman Levitz (93) have just made Aliyah. Devorah and Norman visited Israel at least once a year since their son made Aliyah 40 years ago. Now, they have officially decided to call Israel their permanent home.

Welcome to Israel

A flashmob took over Ben Gurion arrivals hall on May 24, when 150 singers, musicians and dancers, all from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, surprised 2,000 Taglit-Birthright participants from 47 groups taking their very first steps in Israel.

Click HERE for the previous Good News from Israel.

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