Prize for pain treatment; More efficient water from air generator; Running a marathon with his kidney donor; and much more!
by: Michael Ordman
Predicting immunotherapy response
Ben-Gurion University researchers have partnered Israel’s OncoHost to develop a biosensor that safely predicts if anti-PD1 therapy may cure a specific cancer patient. The leading immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy is invasive and other treatments may be better. (see also here).
Nano-treatment for eye diseases
Israel’s BioNanoSim (see here previously) is joining forces with Greek-based manufacturer RAFARM, to market BioNanoSim’s eye disease treatments globally. Its product, BNSO-1, is a topical medication that will shortly begin trials on patients suffering from Chronic Anterior Uveitis.
The power of sleep
Researchers at Tel Aviv University and UCLA have shown that long-lasting memories are consolidated during sleep by communication between the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex. Deep-brain stimulation during sleep improves memory consolidation and provides hope for dementia patients.
Choose your hospital
From 1st Sep, Israeli patients will be able to pick the hospital of their choice to undergo free or subsidized treatments in neurosurgery, mental health services, gynecological surgery, and in-vitro fertilization. They can already choose hospitals for oncology and obstetrics.
A chatbot for cancer patients
Israel’s Belong.Life (see here previously) has launched “Dave” – the world’s first AI chatbot for cancer patients. Its purpose is to improve access to quality cancer care for patients around the world. It is available free of charge on Belong. Life’s Beating Cancer Together app. “Be well, Belong”.
$100 million cancer center
Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center has just opened its new state-of-the art Helmsley Cancer Center. The 12,000-square-meter center houses all Shaare Zedek’s medical, radiotherapy, counseling, spiritual and palliative oncological services under one roof.
Prize for pain treatment
Israeli-founded TrainPain won the Grand Prize in the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) & MIT Hacking Medicine Innovation Challenge. TrainPain measures and retrains sensory neuroplasticity through home-based haptic (body-movement) mobile games, remote monitoring, and training.
IDF soldiers volunteer at children’s hospital
Soldiers from the IDF’s Caracal Brigade volunteer at Safra Children’s Hospital, part of Israel’s Sheba Medical Center. They have been providing care and support to young patients. It’s the same unit that protects Israel’s border with Egypt, that was in the news recently.
Yad Sarah equipment saves Israel billions
Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest volunteer social organization, It estimates that its services save the country’s healthcare system over 5.5 billion shekels per year. Its in-home hospital equipment reduces hospital stays by 14,000, relieving stress on medical centers across the country.
Israeli dolphins provide emotional therapy
Every year since 1991, Sophie Donio has provided a unique “Supportive Experience with Dolphins” program to around 35 children at the Dolphin Reef in Eilat. She has helped kids with PTSD, autism, dyslexia, depression, cancer and more. (See also 2012 example here)
Druze girl is Jerusalem Bible quiz runner-up
11-year-old Mira, originally from the Druze Arab town of Daliyat al-Karmel in northern Israel, won 2nd place in the Bible competition, held to mark Jerusalem Education Week. Mira hopes to compete in the International Youth Bible Competition. More quiz photos.
Palestinian Arab saved by Efrat residents
A Palestinian Arab collapsed in Jorat al-Sham’a near Bethlehem. He was brought to Efrat where residents began CPR on him while many of his Arab friends watched. Half an hour later the patient was stabilized and taken to a Jerusalem hospital. Similar incidents occur quite frequently.
Largest visit of Lords
ELNET (European Leadership Network) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Britain-Israel arranged for the largest ever official delegation from the UK House of Lords to visit Israel. Their aim was to strengthen bilateral ties between London and Jerusalem.
UK veterans rehabilitate at Israeli Games
62 wounded UK veterans returned from competing at the Veteran Games in Israel. They competed in sports against each other and their Israeli counterparts. They spoke of “miracles”, after a week of building confidence, enhancing family bonds and making lifelong friends.
Zion in Kenya
Kenya will inaugurate its first “Zion Forest” in its Machakos County in September to celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary and 60 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Kenya has a target of planting 15 billion trees by 2032 and “Zion” is very meaningful for the mostly Christian nation.
More solar fields
Israel is to triple the amount of open space dedicated to solar energy production. The National Planning and Building Council has approved a proposal to allocate 10,000 more acres of land in open areas for solar power facilities. Authorization will be granted at National level, to speed up the process.
Air taxi tested
Israel’s National Drone Network Initiative (see here previously) has taken a significant step forward with another week of flight tests throughout Israel. They included Israel’s Air Zero flying taxi.
See and talk it through
Israel’s TechSee (see here previously) has integrated ChatGPT into Eve – its computer vision AI training system. Combining Visual Intelligence and ChatGPT makes customer interactions and service responses truly multi-sensory, interactive, and accurate.
AR glasses compete with Apple
A review of the Spacetop laptop with Augmented Reality glasses and no screen from Israel’s Sightful (see here previously). While Apple’s Vision Pro costs $3,500 for bulky AR glasses, Sightful’s laptop is just $2,000, more versatile, easy to use, and comes with light prescription glasses.
Sleep solution – IntoSleep
Israel’s IntoSleep uses a finger sensor to measure pulse, sweat, respiration rate, blood pressure & skin temperature. Its app then generates biofeedback through vibrations and audio tones, which the insomniac listens to, either with headphones or (if sleeping alone) via speakers.
Sleep solution – Dormotech
Dormotech Medical’s Vlab wireless mask, worn in an insomniacs own bed, monitors eye movements, blood oxygen levels, heart and breathing rates, snoring, body movements and more – and delivers an immediate diagnosis of sleep problems.
Sleep solution – NYX
Israel’s NYX has developed a headband that uses tACS (transcranial alternating current stimulation – a form of neuromodulation) to help insomniacs fall asleep. The headband checks your brain’s theta waves via its EEG connection and then trains your brain to increase them to 60% above normal.
More efficient water from air generator
Israel’s H2oll generates water from the air by capturing just the moisture molecules – a method more efficient than even Israel’s WaterGen. The moisture is absorbed into a salt solution using liquid desiccant technology.
How to make “brilliant white” – learn from a shrimp
Researchers at Israel’s Ben Gurion University have found that the Cleaner shrimp’s brilliant white stripes are due to isoxanthopterin molecules in a liquid crystal, just 5 microns thick that cause extreme birefringence (dual refraction light scattering). Now to replicate it!
More cultivated fish
Steakholder Foods (see here previously) has partnered with Singapore-based Unami Meats to cultivate 3D-printed “no-fish” fish from cells taken from a grouper fish. Unami will provide the bio-ink that will produce the flaky texture most associated with cooked fish.
Vegetable fat that bakes like animal fat
Israel’s Gavan Technologies (see here previously) has launched FaTRIX ™ – an alternative protein-enriched fat ingredient for chef pastries that slashes saturated fat by 80%. The plant-based non-GMO fat-protein matrix replicates animal fat – sustainable, clean label, and trans fat-free.
More natural gas
A 68 billion cubic meter natural gas deposit discovered last year has been officially recognized as Israel’s 4th largest gas reserve. Katlan (also known as Olympus) is located between existing fields Karish and Tanin and will now be developed for supplying gas to Israel, Egypt, and Europe.
Gateway to the East is wide open
So many positive international business connections were made at the recent Israel-Japan Conference in Tokyo. These articles feature Japan’s Toyota Tsusho, Japan’s Dentsu Israel, Israel’s J-Ventures, and Israel’s Ambassador to Japan Gilad Cohen.
The world’s first digital government bond
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and Israel’s Finance Ministry have completed the proof-of-concept phase for a digital Israel Bond – the world’s first. A “go-live” event with world banks took place on May 31. When launched, the bond will be traded on a dedicated blockchain platform.
Land Rover seeks Israeli tech
Luxury automobile manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover (see here previously) has announced it will tap Israel’s ecosystem for digital technologies, security, and mobility software. The company’s parent Tata already has 1,100 employees at its TCS IT services and consulting firm in Petah Tikvah.
Luxury metal design
Israel’s Adam Steel (born Adam Perez) designs and installs walls, doors, staircases, and more, made of metals including iron, steel, aluminum, zinc, and copper. His luxury commissions include in the US, the UK, Canada, Turkey, and Italy. Most are for private homes, but also for corporates such as Microsoft.
Flying robots pick fruit in Chile
Israel’s Tevel Aerobotics (see here previously) has won its first order in South America. International fruit producing giant Unifrutti is using Tevel’s drones to pick apples in Linares, Chile. Great video.
Combating financial crime in Europe & Africa
Israel’s ThetaRay (see here previously) has won two major orders for its AI-powered, anti-money laundering platform. The first is from French e-payments leader Sylq. The second is from Nigerian digital payment provider VigiPay.
Exits, takeovers & mergers to 18/6/23:
Israeli-founded cybersecurity Unicorn Snyk is acquiring Israel’s Enso Security for an estimated $50 million. Israeli applicant tracking and candidate management platform Comeet is merging with US-based Spark Hire in a $50 million deal. US Industrial giant Ingersoll Rand is acquiring Israel’s EcoPlant for $50 million; Israeli fintech Lightico has acquired Europe’s Vizolution.
Investment in Israeli startups to 18/6/23:
Percepto raised $67 million; Incredo (previously DouxMatok) raised $30 million; Hyro (see here) raised $20 million; Ariga raised $18 million; Kodem Security raised $18 million; Onebeat raised $10 million; Humanz raised $5 million;
Two Israeli photographers reach “the heavens”
The works of Israelis Leo Shatz and Kfir Simon are included in “Astronomy Photographers of The Year 2022,” an exhibition of 32 award-winning photos and others from the 14th Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest by the Royal Museums in Greenwich, UK.
The most expensive Bible
Alfred Moses explains why he bought the Sassoon Codex Bible for $38.1 million and donated it to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.
Special In Uniform’s 500th show
The Special in Uniform Band of the Israel Defense Forces rocked the popular Zappa Club in Tel Aviv with their 500th performance in less than two years. The band’s upbeat concert, comprising IDF soldiers with special needs, had the audience on its feet for most of the evening.
Isn’t Good News newsworthy?
Interesting article about the UN-sponsored World Happiness Report. It highlights that Israel’s rise from 11th happiest to 9th, to 4th in three years was ignored by the Mainstream Media. Apparently only bad news about Israel interests them. More reasons to keep reading this newsletter!
Has Israel’s celebrity seal made Aliyah?
Yulia, the extremely rare and endangered Mediterranean monk seal, reported here previously, has been spotted recently again ashore in Rishon LeZion, despite leading marine biologists’ predictions that she would not return. She seems quite happy to visit Israel regularly.
The youngest Israeli to conquer Everest
Israel’s Aviad Sido, 26, became the youngest Israeli to ascend Mount Everest. The former IDF special forces commander compared the journey to life itself, filled with sadness, determination, courage, tragedy, and the hope of starting anew.
Israel comes 3rd in U20 World Soccer Cup
The Israeli team beat Korea 3:1 to finish third in the U20 World Soccer Cup. Their amazing run of last-minute victories (see here previously) came to an end in the semi-finals with a narrow 1:0 defeat by Uruguay.
Ancient Jewish fortress being excavated
Archaeologists and volunteers have begun to dig and research the magnificent Hyrcania fortress in Judea. Its history begins in the 2nd century BCE Hasmonean period. It is linked to Herod the Great, and also to the treasure mentioned in the Copper scroll from the Dead Sea scrolls.
Rare ancient Jewish coin recovered
A rare coin depicting the last Hasmonean king of Judah, Antigonus Mattathias II (40 BCE – 37 BCE) has been recovered in East Jerusalem. The coin features a cornucopia – a horn of plenty, with a Hebrew inscription reading, “Mattia Kohen Gadol,” as the king was also High Priest.
Immigrant from New York is Outstanding Volunteer
Emily, an Olah from New York, came to Israel to volunteer as a nurse’s assistant at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center. She has just received a National Civic Service Outstanding Volunteer award. Emily’s ambition is to become a doctor.
Record Birthright participants at the Kotel
History was made recently when a record 1,127 Birthright-Israel: Mayanot participants spent Friday night together at the Western Wall. Days earlier, another record was shattered with the largest group of US college students (almost 800) to ever arrive in Israel on a single day.
From first Birthright trip to CEO
Elias Saratovsky, who participated in Birthright’s inaugural trip to Israel in 1999-2000, has been named the new president and CEO of the Birthright Israel Foundation. “I remember standing at Birthright’s Mega-Event in Jerusalem ….. that trip shaped my identity.”
Webinar to help UK pre- & post- Olim
On Sun 16 July, 5pm UK time, UKAA is hosting two free online talks. The 1st on legal issues including property in Israel. The 2nd on why an Israel based wealth manager is better than a UK one. Register at the link below or email info@ukaliyahadvisors.com with full name and phone.
160-year-old butterflies return to Israel
A box of butterflies has been donated to the Steinhardt Museum in Tel Aviv to mark the International Congress of Middle Eastern Butterflies. The 160-year-old butterfly box contained specimens collected by the Anglican Church’s delegations to the Holy Land from 1863-1865.
40 years’ work of the IFCJ
For four decades the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has helped less fortunate people in Israel, – Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze, or any other religion. The IFCJ devotes 70% of its resources to food aid. It has also brought over 5,000 new Ukrainian immigrants to Israel.
Running a marathon with his kidney donor
When 29-year-old Israeli Guy underwent a kidney transplant, he never imagined that just a year after the life-saving surgery, he would run a marathon – and do so with Yael, the person who donated the kidney that saved his life.
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