A recent NASA study shows that the 1998-2012 eastern Mediterranean drought was the area’s worst drought in 900 years. But recycling wastewater, desalination of seawater, and a major water conservation campaign has made Israel nearly drought-proof, and Omer Arad came up with the idea of a wearable panic bracelet that lets a diver call his or her partner.
By: Michael Ordman
Diver panic bracelet
A near-death experience led Omer Arad to the idea of a wearable panic bracelet that lets a diver call his or her partner even when there is no eye contact between them. Arad’s team won this year’s Israeli finals of the international 3-Day Startup (3DS) competition at Israel’s Technion.
How Israel survived the Mediterranean’s worst drought in 900 years
A recent NASA study shows that the 1998-2012 eastern Mediterranean drought was the area’s worst drought in 900 years. But recycling wastewater, desalination of seawater, and a major water conservation campaign has made Israel nearly drought-proof.
Israeli security stops ATM attack
The first ever mass attempt to steal from Israeli cash machines has been foiled. Israeli cyber-security expert Ido Naor led international cyber-security firm Kaspersky Lab to uncover the ATM-Zombie attack, inform authorities and help to prevent the spread of the attack.
More sensitive than a sniffer dog
Another article about the nanotech odor technology from Israel’s Tracense that can detect explosives, narcotics, stashed cash, banned metals and toxic liquids.
Trump brothers invest in Israeli Math teachers
Eddie and Jules Trump (no relation to Donald) have invested over $150 million in improving math instruction in Israel. The money trains 35 to 45-year-old technology professionals with knowledge in math, who were tired of their job and were seeking challenges.
Phresh keeps produce fresh
Israeli start-up Phresh has unveiled an organic solution which enhances the shelf life of fruit and vegetables by 3 times for consumers. Phresh is based on an organic, non-toxic powder, which dissolves into the atmosphere and based on 12 years of research. Phresh just raised 150% of its $30,000 funding goal on Kickstarter. http://www.i4u.com/2016/02/105856/phresh-food-protectors-enhance-fruits-and-vegetables-shelf-time-three-times
Inspect with thermal imaging
Israel’s Opgal has announced general availability of NDTherm – its Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) solution that uses thermal imaging to detect faults in machinery and infrastructure.
Smart shower wins innovation award
Italy’s Tissino won the Bathroom Product Innovation of the Year award 2016 for its Intelligente Digital Shower, at the KBB Awards. The central component of the shower is its E-valve powered by Israel’s SmarTap – a major breakthrough in water ecology and usage efficiency.
Israeli company helps unlock Terrorist’s phone
Israel’s Cellebrite has (reportedly) successfully accessed the iPhone used by the terrorists who perpetrated the San Bernardino massacre in December. http://www.thejc.com/news/world-news/155600/israeli-company-hacks-san-bernardino-terrorist%E2%80%99s-iphone
Lockheed Martin’s Israeli cybersecurity system
Less than a year after investing $25 million in Israel’s Cybereason, US Giant Lockheed Martin has officially released a cyber-security solution based on the Israeli firm’s technology. It includes Cybereason’s market-leading endpoint threat detection and response mechanism.
Boycott Israel?
A short video that shows it is impossible to avoid Israeli technology.
Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.
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