Read about the young people who are running the Jerusalem marathon on March 18, to raise funds for ALEH – the Israeli charity for disabled children, and Veterinarians at Israel’s Ramat Gan Safari park worked to save the eyesight of a porcupine that had hurt its face while trying to escape from a trap.
By: Michael Ordman
Running for ALEH
Read about the young people who are running the Jerusalem marathon on March 18, to raise funds for ALEH – the Israeli charity for disabled children. Please join in the race if you can, or give a donation if you can’t.
Eyelid surgery saves porcupine
Veterinarians at Israel’s Ramat Gan Safari park had to call on the help of Dr. Ayelet Priel, an ophthalmologist at Tel Hashomer’s Sheba Medical Center who performed a first-of-its-kind operation in order to save the eyesight of a porcupine that had hurt her face while trying to escape from a trap.
1700-year-old graves of Rabbis found
Three 1,700-year-old burial inscriptions in Aramaic and Greek have been uncovered in the northern Israeli community of Tzipori. Two belong to Rabbis, whose names have yet to be deciphered.
A unique language
Israel is the only country to have revived an unspoken language and establish it as its national tongue. Thanks mainly to Eliezer ben Yehuda (1858-1922), Israelis hailing from all corners of the globe now speak Hebrew as the language of everyday communication.
From Japan to the IDF
Daniel Tomohiro is not the typical Israeli soldier. Born from a Jewish mother and a Japanese father, he learned how his Hungarian grandparents survived the Holocaust, made Aliyah, and fought in Israel’s War of Independence. Now Tomohiro serves in the 50th Battalion of Israel’s Nahal Brigade.
Easier for dentists to make Aliya
New Israeli legislation is being introduced to allow dentists with at least five years’ experience to practice in Israel without having to take an exam. Certified occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and dietitians can practice without an academic degree but with a test.
Israel’s oldest and youngest trees
For the Jewish festival of Tu Bishvat (New Year for trees) Israel21c published a Do-It-Yourself tour guide to the most impressive trees in Israel. Israel is also one of the few countries to enter the 21st century with more trees than 100 years ago. Please help to beautify the Holy Land.
Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.
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