
Son of a founding member of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yousef, tells press Israel needs to attack terror centers in Gaza now, before Hamas regroups.


Mosab Yousef, son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, speaks during a press conference in Jerusalem on June 19, 2012. (Flash90)

Mosab Hassan Yousef (aka the ‘Green Prince’), the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, effectively ran his father’s Hamas headquarters in Judea and Samaria for 10 years—while working undercover for the Israeli Security Agency, the Shin Bet.

As a former double agent, he prevented untold numbers of terror attacks by warning Israeli authorities, and disclosed the locations of Hamas terror cells to Israel. He speaks from an unparalleled place of insight when he says, “Israel needs to go to war with Hamas, and fast.”

Yousef urged Israel to attack this winter, unannounced, and hit all Hamas targets. “Hamas has to be tackled at its roots, uprooted once and for all, and now is the perfect moment to deal with Hamas militarily in Gaza,” Mosab Yousef said in an interview with Times of Israel. “The longer Israel waits, the more dangerous an enemy Hamas will become and the harder the battle.”

To read the full Times of Israel story, click HERE.

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