Hamas marked the 27th anniversary of its founding with a vile parade of anti-Semitism, terror and destruction. The display of Jew hatred was mind-numbing.

Hamas parades with an effigy of a Jew before burning it. (Photo: Rahim Khatib/ Flash90)

Hamas parades with an effigy of a Jew before burning it. (Photo: Rahim Khatib/ Flash90)

Burning an effigy of a Jew, parading with model rockets and displaying coffins with photos of Israelis butchered in Hamas terror attacks – this is how Hamas chose to celebrate the 27th anniversary of its founding in Gaza, inciting hatred of Israel and displaying rabid anti-Semitism.

Hamas marked the occasion with a vile display of terror and destruction. Members of Hamas’ armed forces, including members of its naval commandos, marched proudly in a parade, displaying rockets that they fire on Israeli civilian population centers.

Hamas Expresses Vicious Jew Hatred

The display of Jew hatred was mind-numbing. They burned effigies of religious Jews, burned models of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and proudly paraded with pictures of terror victims Hamas had murdered, including the four rabbis they slaughtered in a Jerusalem synagogue last month. Others paraded with masks depicting the faces of Israeli soldiers who died during the summer war.

A senior Hamas leader reaffirmed the Islamist movement’s commitment to Israel’s destruction. “This illusion called Israel will be removed. It will be removed at the hands of the Qassam Brigades,” senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya said, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Hamas proudly display a coffin with the photos of the four rabbis they slaughtered. (Photo: IDF)

Hamas proudly displays coffin with the photos of the four rabbis they slaughtered recently in Jerusalem. (Photo: IDF)

“After 27 years, Hamas holds aircraft and holds the sea. It has the ability to penetrate the enemy by sea, land and air. Anyone who thinks that Israel is here to stay is wrong. All of Palestine is Islamic land and no one will share it. Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine and the center of the conflict,” Ynet quotes him as saying.

Hamas military-wing spokesman Abu Obeida threatened: “Hamas was able to stop the ambitions of the Zionist enterprise, and because of that, it is today on the verge of collapsing and disappearing. We will not lay down our weapons until we use them to enter the al-Aqsa Mosque. Hamas and its battalions know how to write history. For many years we have produced the al-Qassam army that you and the world sees, the combat units that today are taking part in this spectacular demonstration,” Ynet reports.

He thanked Qatar, Turkey and Iran for their support.

Psychological Warfare Against Israel

Hamas also engaged in psychological warfare against Israel, displaying a video clip of arch-terrorist Muhammad Deif. Deif, commander of the al-Qassam brigade, has allegedly survived several Israeli attempts on his life, most recently during Operation Protective Edge.

Hamas terrorists march with models of rockets they fire at Israeli civilians. (Photo: IDF)

Hamas terrorists march with models of rockets they fire at Israeli civilians. (Photo: IDF)

Deif is heard saying” “It is time to purify the al-Aqsa Mosque [from Jews].” The recording is apparently an old track that had been broadcast during Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012, Arutz 7 reports. A silhouetted figure appears at the end, which Hamas claims is Deif,

The clip then displays Hamas “successes” – various terror attacks against Israel.

Hamas, which now sits in a unity government with the Palestinian Authority, is trying to show that even after Operation Protective Edge, during which they were dealt a severe blow by the IDF, they are strong and remain a serious threat to Israel.

By: United with Israel Staff

Sign the Petition to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority

PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

Petition to the United States and European Union

We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. The brutal murder of Israelis committed by Palestinian terrorists throughout Israel is the latest result of ongoing PA incitement against Israeli citizens. Funding the PA means funding terror.


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