Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said that it should be “inconceivable” that the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria should partner with Hamas, “an organization whose founding charter openly calls for and aspires to the destruction, not just of Israel, but of the Jewish People everywhere.”

The Hamas charter “directly contravenes the Genocide Convention, adopted by the United Nations on the ashes of the Holocaust,” Ayalon said.

Ayalon spoke at the ceremony to remember more than 70,000 Jews who were brutally murdered at Paneriai, in Lithuania, during the Holocaust.

Echoing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Ayalon said that “The greatest lesson we can take from what happened here and throughout Europe during the Holocaust is that when people say they intend to annihilate the Jewish People, we should not take the threat lightly.”

In his speech, Ayalon made reference to current threats to the Jewish People, specifically the threat of Hamas.

The Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Convention was adopted by the U.N. in 1951. It describes “direct and public incitement to commit genocide” as a crime under international law.

“The fact that the Palestinian Authority has joined forces with such an organization should be a clear warning to all those who take the solemn vow ‘Never Again’ seriously,” Ayalon continued.

“There is a moral obligation for democracies and enlightened nations to isolate and defeat those who call for genocide,” he said.

The ceremony took place in the presence of Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius and was made possible by cooperation between the Lithuanian government and the Association of Jews from Vilna and Its Vicinity in Israel. This is the third time that the Lithuanian Government has cooperated in holding an event on Israel’s Holocaust Memorial and Remembrance Day.

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Author: Gil Ronen

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