Koolulam spearheaded a global musical effort urging the release of numerous abducted civilians currently held by Hamas in Gaza. (YouTube Screenshot) (YouTube Screenshot)
Koolulam, Hostages

Koolulam’s global initiative harmonizes voices to advocate for the release of Gaza hostages, engaging over 100 locations in a powerful call.

Koolulam is an Israeli social-musical initiative that centers around mass singing events in which large groups of non-professionals come together to form a collaborative musical creation.

As its website explains, it “brings together people from all walks of life to do one thing: stop everything for a few hours and just sing – together.”

Their latest musical initiative advocates for the release of hundreds of abducted civilians held in Gaza by Hamas, engaging over 100 locations worldwide. Bring Them Home Now!

Israel at War with Hamas. Support Israel Today!

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Rockets are falling. Sirens blare, with seconds to run for cover. IDF soldiers risk their lives battling terrorists inside Gaza. Thousands forced to abandon their homes in southern Israel.

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