: The popular American talk show host, Rodger Hedgecock, is scheduled to arrive in Israel, for a special week of programming aimed at providing his millions of listeners with an accurate depiction of the reality in the country, politically, strategically, economically and socially.

Hedgecock is one of the leading broadcasters in the United States and occasional commentator for CNN, FOX news and the Washington Journal.

In a conversation with American and Israeli officials on the eve of his departure, Hedgecock commented on the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities and said that, “From Netanyahu’s point of view, an Israeli strike is unavoidable, and even if it only partially successful, it will still be worth the risk.”

Hedgecock’s visit is part of a project, initiated by Yuli Edelstein, Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs, to positively represent Israel to the international community.

The project aims at bringing senior radio hosts from the United States to Israel, providing them with the opportunity and necessary tools to broadcast the facts on the ground to their American listening public.

During the course of his visit, Hedgecock will broadcast his daily radio program from a studio in Jerusalem, which will be heard by his millions of listeners in the United States. He will tour Israel, meet with, and interview, various officials from all facets of Israeli society.

The Ministry of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs provides broadcasters with complete editorial freedom during their visits, and plans on bringing at least seven more leading media personalities to Israel from all walks of American life during the course of the year.

As of now the project has succeeded in reaching about 15 million American listeners.

Source: IsraelNationalNews

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