Mother of 5 Palestinian terrorists, Latifa Abu Hmeid. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed) AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
Mother of 5 Palestinian terrorists, Latifa Abu Hmeid. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)

The Palestinian Authority continues to reward the mother of five murderers of Israelis, hiking up the tidy sum of terror loot she pockets each month.

By: United with Israel Staff, with files from Palestinian Media Watch

Last month, Islam Abu Hmeid murdered an Israeli soldier, earning him a spot among four of his brothers, all of whom are serving multiple life sentences in Israeli prisons.

Hmeid, who tossed a marble block from a roof at Israeli staff sergeant Ronen Lubarsky, killing the soldier, confessed to the crime and is scheduled to be indicted on Thursday.

With the latest Hmeid brother heading for the slammer for a murderous terror attack, the terrorists’ mother, Latifa Abu Hmeid, can expect a significant increase in the funds the clan reaps, which are doled out from coffers that PA law designates for rewarding terrorists and their families.

After the murder, Palestinian Authority (PA) officials honored the terrorists’ mother, Latifa Abu Hmeid, with visits, lauding her as “a crown on all of our heads” and a “fighter” from whom “we draw our determination and our strength.”

The PA’s efforts are not limited to lavishing praise on Latifa, but also include cumulative payments to her and her family of $1,007,611 as of press time, reported terror watchdog Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

In May 2018 alone, the PA paid the Hmeid family close to $10,000 (34,400 shekels), with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas meeting with Latifa to endorse her as a role model twice in the past year.

Prior to Islam Abu Hmeid’s murderous attack, Abbas hosted Latifa, who goes by the monkier “Khansa of Palestine,” a reference to a figure from early Islam who rejoiced when her four sons died as “martyrs” in battle.

In 2011, the PA honored the terrorists’ mother with a symbolic role in the PA’s push for statehood at the UN.

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