Meir Panim

From displaced families and IDF soldiers to Holocaust survivors, discover how Meir Panim is offering urgent support and restoring hope this Rosh Hashanah.

Meir Panim’s High Holiday Campaign: Bringing Hope Amid Crisis

As Rosh Hashanah approaches, Meir Panim is launching a powerful campaign to bring comfort, relief, and hope to Israel’s most vulnerable citizens. This year, the challenges are greater than ever, with war breaking out in the North, families displaced across the country, and the emotional toll of last year’s traumatic events still lingering.

Meir Panim, an organization with a deep commitment to supporting the impoverished, displaced, and marginalized, is focusing on the people most affected by war, poverty, and grief. “Hope cannot wait,” says Mimi Rozmaryn, Director of Global Development at Meir Panim. “We are here to bring some light amidst the darkness that so many are experiencing right now.”

War in the North: Displacement and Fear

Since war erupted along Israel’s northern border, nearly a year ago 80,000 people in this region have been forced to evacuate. Living in temporary accommodations they are unsure when or if they will return to their homes and livelihoods. Many of these families have lost everything as Hezbollah’s rockets and drones have done countless damage to farms, homes, businesses, and entire towns.

Meir Panim is working tirelessly to provide immediate and long-term support to these displaced families as they weather this crisis. From locating apartments and furniture to helping the children get supplies and school placement and beyond, Meir Panim is there during this time. For the High Holidays, the organization is distributing pantry boxes, prepaid grocery cards, and hot meals. “These families have faced trauma, the loss of their communities, and the stress of living in limbo,” explains Rozmaryn. “We’re doing everything we can to help them rebuild their lives and find hope in the midst of chaos.”

Supporting IDF Soldiers on the Frontlines

As IDF soldiers stand guard at Israel’s borders, protecting the nation from daily threats, Meir Panim is stepping up to support them with holiday meals, care packages, and critical gear.

“These soldiers are away from their families, fighting not just for Israel but for the future of the Jewish people,” says Rozmaryn. “They deserve to celebrate the hope of the new year, Rosh Hashanah, with their loved ones, but they are far from home. We are making sure they feel the warmth of the holiday, no matter where they are.”

Through its tireless efforts, Meir Panim is delivering meals, snacks, and traditional holiday treats to soldiers stationed in remote locations, ensuring they know they are not forgotten.

Holocaust Survivors in Desperate Need

Among those suffering the most are Israel’s Holocaust survivors, many of whom are entering their final years in fear, poverty, and isolation. Since October 7th, over 70,000 survivors have seen a drastic decline in their quality of life. More than half report struggling to afford food, medicine, or even basic household necessities.

“These survivors endured unimaginable horrors, and now they face these final years in need,” says Rozmaryn. “We are committed to restoring their dignity, providing festive holiday meals, and showing them that they are never forgotten.”

Through its Holocaust Survivor Day Center in Dimona, Meir Panim offers not just meals but emotional support and community. The organization ensures survivors can celebrate the holidays surrounded by care and respect.

Coping with Trauma: The Aftermath of October 7th

As Israel approaches the anniversary of the October 7th attacks—a day that left over 1,200 dead, towns destroyed, and countless families grieving, citizens around the country continue to face the stress of the ongoing war. Still dealing with the deep trauma of loss, supporting those fighting and battling the financial fallout of lost jobs and businesses the year ahead feels heavy.

Meir Panim is providing support to those most affected by the war. “The trauma runs deep,” Rozmaryn notes. “For so many, this year marks a painful reminder of all they’ve lost. But we are here to help them heal, rebuild, and find strength to move forward.”

Restoring Dignity and Hope This New Year

As the High Holidays approach, Meir Panim’s work is even more vital. With over 2.6 million Israelis living below the poverty line, the organization is ensuring its efforts reach every corner of the country between our five branches. In addition to providing over 2 million shekels of prepaid credit cards, 25,000 holiday meals, and 30,000 pantry boxes, Meir Panim is committed to giving displaced families, IDF soldiers, and Holocaust survivors a festive Rosh Hashanah with dignity and hope.
“We’re not just providing food,” says Rozmaryn. “We’re offering hope, strength, and the reminder that even in the darkest of times, people will not be abandoned. We are in the midst of a critical moment in history, and it is our mission to stand with those in need.”

How You Can Help

As we approach Rosh Hashanah, Meir Panim is calling on supporters around the world to help fund its lifesaving work. Donations will go directly to providing meals, care packages, grocery cards, and essential support for Israel’s most vulnerable populations.

By giving today, you can help bring light into the lives of those suffering the most—families torn apart by war, soldiers standing guard, and Holocaust survivors who should never have to face their final years in poverty.

Support Meir Panim’s campaign by donating at