Merav Berger with picture of daughter Agam (YouTube Screenshot) (YouTube Screenshot)
Merav Berger with a photo of her daughter, Agam


Merav Berger had expressed concern about having to violate Shabbat to greet her daughter, Agam, upon her release, but it appears the release date has been moved up to Thursday.

By Ben Rappaport, United with Israel

The expected day of the release of hostage Agam Berger this Thursday bears a particular significance for her mother, Merav, who, since October 7, has been observing Shabbat along with her family. If Agam is released on Thursday rather than Saturday, as previously scheduled, Merav will be able to avoid violating Shabbat when traveling to greet her daughter.

Last week, amid the possibility of Agam’s release on Saturday, Merav expressed concern about having to desecrate the Sabbath.

“What has really bothered me in recent days is the whole issue of Shabbat,” she said on Friday, according to Ma’ariv.

She added that she had consulted with rabbis in recent days, including a representative of the Military Rabbinate who visited her home. He ruled that she was permitted to travel to greet her daughter, even on Shabbat.

“We received precise guidance on how to avoid unnecessary desecration of Shabbat,,” she explained, according to Ma’ariv.

She also addressed the media, asking that they not violate Shabbat to report on Agam’s release. “I really ask, I ask, ask, ask, that if this happens on Shabbat…to respect us and allow us to avoid photos and filming on Shabbat. There will be plenty of time to take pictures when Shabbat ends, God willing.”

The Jerusalem Post reported that Merav had consulted with prominent haredi Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein about traveling to meet Agam on Shabbat. He reportedly told her it would be “a great blessing” if she refrained from doing so.

“She asked for instructions, how to behave with her daughter because her soul yearns to see her,” Zilberstein said, according to the report. “She needs to be released on Shabbat. She asked, ‘How will I face her, driving to her on Shabbat?'”

The rabbi reportedly advised her not to drive but, rather, send a photo and a letter telling her they’ll meet after Shabbat.

“Then she asked me, ‘And if I can’t hold myself back, what should I do?’ She asked, ‘What will I do if I can’t stand it?’”

The rabbi reportedly responded, “If the Holy One is so good and beneficent — a miracle against nature, your daughter remained alive — then we need to say thank you to the Holy One.”

Agam has also maintained her religious values and been a source of strength and encouragement to others during her captivity, even at risk to her life, released hostages have testified.

Agam Goldstein, a former captive, recounted how Hamas terrorists had once ordered Agam Berger to cook on Shabbat, but she refused, risking her life rather than violating her faith.

“She prayed a lot, blessed the food, and refused to light a fire on Shabbat,” Goldstein said, according to the Post.

It also emerged that Agam Berger was the “mysterious braider” responsible for the braided hair seen on released hostages, the Post reported.

“Agam braided our hair before we left,” one former hostage recalled. “It felt like she was giving us a piece of her strength to carry with us.”

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