Roseanne Barr. (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP) (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)
Roseanne Barr


As the world tries to come to terms with the recent Paris attacks, and Israel continues to confront Palestinian terrorism, a different kind of war erupted, this one on Twitter, between controversial American-Jewish mega-star Roseanne Barr and Haaretz contributer Rogel Alpher.

The social media battle began to rage between controversial American-Jewish mega-star Roseanne Barr and Haaretz contributer Rogel Alpher on Friday.

Responding to the fear on the part of many French Jews in the aftermath of the mass murder in the City of Light and an expressed desire to immigrate to Israel, Alpher penned a piece in Israel’s left-wing daily, headlined: “Jews of France, There Is Nothing for You in Israel.” The underline of the article was more specific: “Fleeing to Israel is to escape from the arms of Muslim fascism into the arms of Jewish fascism.”

As writers do, Alpher tweeted the link to his op-ed, translated from the Hebrew in Haaretz‘s English edition.

Though the article in its entirety is as critical of politics in Israel as its subhead, a number of excerpts are worth quoting, to explain the ire it aroused in Barr, who won international acclaim – as well as both an Emmy and Golden Globe award — for her role in the long-running TV series, “Roseanne,” about a working-class American family.

Excerpts are as follows:

In the name of what values will you pack your belongings and move your home to Israel? In France, you are subjected to Islamic terror because you represent the values of the West: democracy, liberalism, freedom, individualism. These are noble values that are worth fighting for.

Even after you immigrate to Israel, you will still be subjected to terror attacks. But not because you represent enlightened values. Just the opposite: Because you will represent the fascist values of Jewish zealots – occupation, racism, apartheid, messianism, dark barbarity. These are not values worth fighting for.

A week ago, this newspaper published an article by French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy (“Paris Terror Attacks: Instructions for Warfare”). Out of his pretentious babble, it was possible to conclude that the man is a warmonger, supporting the conquest of territories that Islamic State controls. Give us the babbling of this warmonger any day. In Israel, warmongers are not philosophers. They do not brandish quotes from Thucydides. They speak with God and quote only him. They are jihadists who speak Hebrew. Philosophers have not had any public standing here for a long time. Our spiritual leaders are rabbis.

An outraged Barr — who has grown increasingly pro-Israel over the last few years, as her Twitter feed indicates — let Alpher have it with the customary straight (sometimes vulgar) talk for which she is famous.

“@rogelalpher stfu [shut the f*** up] privileged fat skinhead,” she tweeted on Saturday, in a not-so-veiled reference to Alpher’s baldness and ideology.

The next day, Alpher tried to one-up the now Honolulu-based comedienne, actress, writer, producer and director with a nasty quip of his own.

“@therealroseanne & you’re not the real Roseanne. The real Roseanne had talent, many years ago,” he wrote.

Barr didn’t back down.

“@rogelalpher see that blue check? I’m real as th heart attack ur fat a** is due anytime now. STFU-living in safety in Israel& bi***ing. Stfu,” she wrote.

Alpher then attacked her for her ideology.

“@therealroseanne why don’t you live in Israel?????? What’s stopping you??? You zionist goddess. Kabalah diva. Bored has-been,” he retorted.

Barr responded by calling Alpher a “never will be,” and tweets from many supporters began to appear, telling her to ignore Alpher and other “Israel-haters.”

By: The Algemeiner

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