An internal investigation clears IDF soldiers in death of convicted terrorist Ziad Abu Ein, a Palestinian government minister. The PA continues to ignore the facts.

Abu Ein's state funeral. (Photo: STR/Flash90)

Abu Ein’s state funeral. (Photo: STR/Flash90)

An investigation launched by the IDF cleared the soldiers who were present at the incident in which Palestinian Authority (PA) minister Ziad Abu Ein died of a heart attack, Israel’s Channel 10 reported on Monday.

Abu Ein collapsed and died during a scuffle with Israeli border police last Wednesday.

Abu Ein was seen attacking a border police man, who responded by pushing him away. The investigation concludes that the officer had acted properly.

A Border Police source told Channel 10 that prior to the physical confrontation, Abu Ein had taunted the policeman and cursed him while in close proximity, which is considered a threat by law and enables the officer to arrest the assailant. Therefore, Abu Ein was pushed back.

The report stresses that these findings are preliminary. The full IDF investigation has yet to be published. Major-General Nitzan Alon, head of the IDF’s Central Command, will announce the full conclusions of its internal review in the upcoming weeks.

PA Fanning the Flames of Violence

This incident has further clouded the already-strained ties between Jerusalem and Ramallah.

An autopsy conducted by Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian coroners clearly indicates that Abu Ein, a convicted terrorist responsible for the death of two Israeli teens and the wounding of scores of others, died of a heart attack induced by stress. Abu Ein was known to be in poor health.

Israel expressed regret over the incident immediately after it occurred, hoping to minimize the potential for further violence.

However, the PA seems to have chosen to ride the wave of terror and further incited to violence and threats, stating that Israel intentionally murdered Abu Ein.

By: United with Israel Staff

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PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

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