In this photo released by the semi-official Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), a long-range S-200 missile is fired in a military drill in the port city of Bushehr, (Amir Kholousi, ISNA via AP) Amir Kholousi, ISNA via AP


Iranian warning follows Israeli foreign minister’s statement that the Jewish State must be prepared for possible involvement in U.S-Iranian clash.

By United With Israel Staff 

An Iranian military commander is vowing “to hand the enemies the harshest response in case of any hostile move against the country, saying that Iran is in possession of secret weapons to be used on ‘rainy days,'” reports the Fars news agency.

“Our deterrence and secret weapons have stopped the filthy enemy 200 miles away [from the Iranian borders] in the Strait of Hormuz,” Brigadier General Alireza Sabahi Fard said, addressing a forum in Tehran on Wednesday, according to Fars, widely considered a semi-official Iranian news agency. His statement was an apparent reference to the shooting down of a U.S. drone by Iran on June 20.

“The enemy knows very well that it should not [opt] for testing Iran’s combat capability as its first mistake will be its last,” he added, according to the news agency.

The Iranian commander of the Khatam ol-Anbiya Air Defense Base reportedly charged that “enemies are exerting maximum pressure, use the most hostile rhetoric against Iran, and have widened their military buildup in the region to intimidate the Iranian nation into holding talks with the U.S., but only in vain.”

Israel’s Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz said Tuesday that the Jewish State is preparing for possible military involvement in an escalation in the Gulf between Iran and the United States.

He warned of “mistaken calculations” by the Iranian regime that could bring about a “military conflagration.”

The foreign minister made the comments in an address to a conference sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya

“We must be prepared for this, and thus the State of Israel continues to devote itself to building up its military might in the event that it will have to respond to escalation scenarios,” he said.

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