
In contrast to the false notion that Israel is isolated diplomatically, the reality is quite the opposite, according to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director-General Dore Gold.  

Israel has covert ties with almost all Arab countries, Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director-General Dore Gold stated Tuesday.

Speaking at the Institute of National Security Studies’ (INSS) ninth annual conference, Dore Gold said Israel maintains contacts with “almost every Arab state, as long as it then does not make it to the front page of the daily newspapers.”

Gold made his comments a day after reports emerged that National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz was secretly in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for talks with officials this week over the newly implemented nuclear deal with Iran, which threatens both countries.

“We have a lack of agreement with different countries in the world,” Gold said. “It is no secret that we have problems in Europe. But there are many countries open to Israel today, and those who say we are isolated do not know what they are talking about.”

Gold said there is “the willingness in the Arab world for ties with Israel under the table,” terming at as “dramatic change.”

He expressed hope that such connections could ultimately lead to regional stabilization and order, although he conceded that the Middle East was currently headed in the opposite direction.

Gold himself was in Abu Dhabi in November to discuss Israel’s delegation to the United Nations International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) future activities and to finalize the opening of the mission in the UAE capital.

By: United with Israel Staff

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