Illustrative photo. (Flash90) Illustrative photo. (Flash90)

Israel needs to be on alert for everything – from terrorists to cheese smugglers. 
When Israeli health inspectors spotted a mail truck crossing into Israel from Samaria, something didn’t smell right.

Further examination discovered the source of their suspicion — cheese.

The agriculture ministry says the truck contained 300 kilograms (661 pounds) of cheese stuffed into cans, bottles and other unsanitary containers.

The driver, a Palestinian in his 40s from east Jerusalem, was arrested in Monday’s incident. He is an employee of the Israel Postal Service and admitted to smuggling the cheese in hopes of reselling it.

The ministry says the same man was caught a month earlier, committing the same offense. The cheese was not refrigerated, had no health certificates and was unfit for consumption.

It says the bootleg cheese posed a public safety concern and was destroyed upon a veterinarian’s order.

By: AP and United with Israel Staff