An anti-Semite was blocked by hospitality site Airbnb after expressing his hatred towards Israel and denying an Israeli accommodation in London.
An Israeli who wanted to rent a room in London through the Airbnb site encountered anti-Semitism by a potential host over Israel’s supposed “occupation” and human rights abuse.
“I’m an Israeli travelling to London in March with my wife,” Ben Kelmer, a photographer from Tel Aviv, recounted on his Facebook page.
“This is the reply we received today from a potential, London-based AirBnB: “The day you stop occupying someone’s land, I might consider hosting you,” the host, named Mario, wrote back. “This is how the world pictures you: aggressive settlers occupying lands, destroying houses. In a few words: not respecting basic human rights. On that basis, I cannot even consider hosting you, even if you pay me millions.”
“Without any knowledge of who we are, let alone what our politics are (not that it should matter. Individuals are not their governments! Are all Iranians extensions of their gay-hanging, woman-stoning regime), we were served a healthy dose of Grade A, European bigotry and discrimination at its finest, poorly masked as so-called, socially-conscious political protest of the worst, most prejudiced kind, that is strictly reserved to Israelis. Well done on promoting dialogue and building bridges,” Kelmer wrote.
Mario’s anti-Semitic response elicited an outpour of support for Israel on Airbnb, including from many non-Jews.
Airbnb subsequently removed Mario as a host from its site. “Discrimination has no place on Airbnb and we have removed this host from our community,” the company told Newsweek. “We are proud to have one of the most open, trusted, diverse and transparent communities in the world and investigate any claims we receive.”
By: United with Israel Staff

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