An Israeli firefighter in action. (Hadas Parush/Flash90) (Hadas Parush/Flash90)
Arabs rioting.

Palestinian rioters throw rocks. (Flash90)

In a shocking display of thanklessness, rioters in an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem attacked Israeli firefighters who had just risked their lives to save a Palestinian family.  

Rock-throwing Palestinian rioters attacked Israeli firefighters in the capital on Wednesday after they had just risked their lives to save a family trapped in a burning building in an Arab neighborhood.

Firefighters were alerted to the blaze in a five-story apartment building in the neighborhood of Issawiya and quickly came to the rescue. They saved a mother and her three children.

“Upon arriving at the scene, firefighters and police spotted a family trapped on the building’s roof attempting to get away from the fire and heavy smoke. They quickly cordoned off the area and rushed into the building to save the family,” Israel Police Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.

As the five rescue teams were preparing to leave, they came under attack by Palestinian rioters.

Police fought off the rioters and protected the rescue teams “who only moments ago worked to save residents of the area,” a fire department spokesman said.

Although no one was wounded in the attack, the windshield of one police cruiser was shattered, Rosenfeld said.

“Security assessments are being made by police after firefighters and police willingly risked their lives to make their way into the building to save lives and, unfortunately, were attacked by stones afterward,” he concluded.

Police launched a search in the area for the assailants.

The neighborhood has been a hotbed of anti-Israel terror. There are incidents of violence and terror in Issawiya almost on a daily basis.

On August 23, Palestinian terrorists threw dozens of Molotov cocktails at police forces. There were no casualties.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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