Israeli security forces operate in Hawara. (Flash90) (Flash90)
IDF Hawara

In an ongoing wave of Palestinian terrorism that began in September and shows few signs of abating, Israeli forces on Sunday thwarted three attempts by Palestinian terrorists to kill Israelis.  

Israeli security forces foiled several attempts by Palestinian terrorists to attack Israelis at several locations across Israel on Sunday

The first incident occurred on Sunday morning at the Tapuach Junction, a main route in Samaria.

Security forces guarding the site noticed a suspicious-looking Palestinian female and called on her to stop. As she continued to approach them in a threatening manner, they trained their weapons on her. She finally stopped approaching and dropped the knife she was carrying.

The would-be-terrorist admitted during her initial questioning that she had come to the junction to carry out a terrorist attack after being inspired to do so by online incitement she encountered on social media.

The 17-year-old was taken for further questioning.

Shortly after, a 14-year-old Palestinian teen attempted to stab IDF soldiers securing an intersection in the Hebron area. The soldiers overpowered and arrested him.

Moments later a Palestinian terrorist was shot dead while attempting to stab IDF soldiers as they were patrolling a main route that runs through the Palestinian village of Hawara in Samaria, which is used by Israeli motorists.

These incidents were the latest in a long series of almost daily Palestinian terror attacks, which have plagued Israelis over the course of the past six months, claiming the lives of 31 victims and wounding over 350.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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