Danon called on the world to condemn Al-Malki for his blatant anti-Semitism expressed by his calls to boycott Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria.
Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon on Tuesday accused Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Al-Malki of racism and anti-Semitism after Malki called on the international community to ban the entrance of Jews living in Judea and Samaria from their countries.
“These remarks are pure anti-Semitism and must be treated as such,” Danon stated. “Such statements are reminiscent of dark times in history. Jews will no longer be marked and singled out.”
Danon called on the international community to denounce the Palestinian Foreign Minister’s remarks and to “unequivocally condemn all manifestations of anti-Semitism.”
Danon was responding to remarks made by Maliki while addressing the opening high level segment of 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva, in which he called on the international community to ban the entrance of Jews living in Judea and Samaria into their countries.
“[The international community] must not deal directly or indirectly with the occupation system, in addition to not allowing the entry of illegal settlers into their country,” Malki told the notoriously anti-Israel body, as he called on “all the countries” to “boycott settlements and to boycott the products of settlements and to warn of the possibly of imposing economic and commercial sanctions on the occupying power and that in accordance with the guidelines on businesses and human rights.”
Maliki also called on the UN Security Council (UNSC) to adopt a resolution against Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria based on the “international consensus with regard to their illegal nature.”
“Ambassador Danon is working with UN envoys and officials in order to condemn the latest statement by the Palestinian Foreign Minister and to put an end to the wave anti-Semitic initiatives led by the Palestinian Authority,” Israel’s delegation to the UN stated.
Al-Malki stated in earlier in February that the Palestinians will “never again” engage Israel in direct negotiations towards a final diplomatic resolution to their dispute with Israel.
“We will never go back and sit again in a direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations,” he stated while on a visit to Japan with Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas.
He stressed that a multilateral framework is needed, and he praised unilateral international pressure on Israel, and specifically an initiative discussed last month by France to revive plans for an international conference to end the conflict and an anti-Israel resolution at the UNSC.
By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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