The Zionist Organization of America is gathering signatures for a petition against ABC to cancel the series Quantico, amid allegations of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic content.

The Zionist Organization of America has been protesting what it considers the “blatant, vicious defamation of Jews, Israel and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), promoting ugly lies against the Jewish people and the Jewish state” on the TV thriller about a group of FBI recruits training to become special agents.

In a statement released on Friday, ZOA President Morton A. Klein and Director of Special Projects Liz Berney referred to a previous complaint they had lodged with ABC – on October 30 – and what they considered an “unhelpful letter” from the network, which “failed to address Quantico’s factual anti-Semitic errors.”

Since then, they wrote, rather than doing something to rectify the situation,

Quantico intensified its anti-Semitism and its vicious portrayals of the IDF as “war criminals” when in fact, the IDF is the world’s most moral army.

Quantico also escalated its practice of mocking and portraying Jews as sniveling, untrustworthy, duplicitous, disloyal, war criminals, violent, unable to see the “greater good,” people who “follow orders” that are wrong; terrorism-plotters and ugly bomb-makers. Quantico also makes absurd “Islamaphobia” claims; portrays Muslims as moral and beautiful; glorifies a Muslim Imam who defies the FBI; and glorifies Arab terrorists and Palestinian-Arab “resistance” (a euphemism for Palestinian-Arab attacks on Jews).

It is time, they wrote, “for ABC to cancel this horrendous, defamatory series, which reverses reality. Jews are already being subjected to far more religious hate crimes than any other group: Sixty-percent (60%) of U.S. religious hate crimes are against Jews (and only 15% are against Muslims).Quantico will inflame more baseless Jew hatred and incite even more anti-Semitic hate crimes.”

The statement includes a detailed, episode-by-episode description of characters and dialogue in the series to illustrate what the ZOA considers to be the justice of its claims.

For example:

In Episode 1, a Jew traveling to Gaza is depicted as something shameful, and the only “legitimate” reason to travel there is presented as trying to become “better informed” about the “real” Arab perspective.  (“Zionism”  – which is the right of the Jewish people to their homeland – is also treated with disdain.)

Nimah: “Simon Asher, you are a Conservative Jew from a staunch Zionist family, yet four years ago, you traveled to Gaza to live with the Palestinians, and to this day, you never told anyone. Sorry. I forgot… yes or no?”

Simon: (looks upset, embarrassed) “Yes.”

Alex (present day): “He only went to Gaza because he wanted to be better informed.”

FBI present-day interrogator/agent: “Well, that’s what he told you.  We know the real reason.”

And this:

Episode 4 contains the outrageous lie that Israelis bombed the Gaza greenhouses:

Simon Asher:  “I spent months with the UAWC rehabbing greenhouses bombed by the Israelis in the Gaza strip.”

As detailed in ZOA’s prior article, Israel gave these greenhouses (which were producing millions of dollars of flowers and vegetables) to the Gazan Arabs, and the Arabs looted and destroyed the greenhouses.

At the end of the release, the ZOA provides the names, email addresses and Twitter handles of ABC executives and even actors on the series.

Quantico premiered on ABC on September 27, 2015. It was renewed for a second season last week.

By: The Algemeiner

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