Pastor John Hagee. (Flash90) (Flash90)
John Hagee


John Hagee Ministries recently held its 35th annual “Night to Honor Israel” event during which it distributed money to Israeli and Jewish causes and demonstrated strong support for the Jewish State.

A Christian ministries media network held its 35th annual “Night to Honor Israel” event Sunday, where it distributed $2 million to Israeli and Jewish charities.

The John Hagee Ministries (JHM) program included keynote speeches from former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, and JHM’s CEO, Pastor John Hagee, who is also the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI).

Bolton spoke about the importance of a strong US-Israel relationship, saying “If Israel is not secure, the United States is not secure.”

In Hagee’s remarks, the pastor touted the continuing growth of Christian Zionism and the threats Israel faces today.

He also called for Congress to pass the Taylor Force Act, a bill that seeks to cut funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA) if it continues its policy of paying monetary rewards for terrorism. The legislation is named in memory of American veteran Taylor Force, who was murdered in March by a Palestinian terrorist in Israel.

“We must not give one dime to the Palestinian Authority so long as they continue to support terrorism in both word and deed,” Hagee said.

Organizations receiving support from JHM included: Afikim Family Enrichment Association, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Bikur V’Ezras Cholim, Friends of the IDF, Galilee Medical Center, Heart of Benjamin, Herzl Institute, Herzog Hospital, Holocaust Memorial Museum of Houston, International Council of Young Israel, Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum, Jewish Agency for Israel, Just One Life, Koby Mandell Foundation, Megemeria School (training for new Ethiopian immigrants), Ohr Torah Stone, Nefesh B’Nefesh, Netanya Academic College, Save a Child’s Heart, Shurat Hadin and the Women’s International Zionist Organization.

The event was held at Hagee’s Texas megachurch, Cornerstone Church.

JHM has given more than $98 million to Israeli and Jewish charities over the last three-and-half decades.


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