Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein. (Hadas Parush/Flash90) (Hadas Parush/Flash90)
Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein

Yuli Edelstein implored foreign envoys serving in Israel to tell their countries about the what really happens here: democracy, innovation and the yearning for peace.

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein addressed a gathering of ambassadors serving in Israel and implored them to tell the truth about Israel: “You know the truth about Israel; tell others about the beautiful and good things that go on here; about the innovative, democratic Israel.”

Edelstein was addressing dozens of foreign ambassadors who attended a conference at the Knesset on Tuesday to mark the 50th anniversary of the parliament building.

Israel has been facing a tirade of accusations and inaccurate statements against the Jewish State made by officials around the world, remarks which are usually detached from reality.

Addressing the stalemate diplomatic process with the Palestinians, Edelstein said, “it is not enough that two leaders shake hands and sign a document; peace is built from the ground up. Only through regional cooperation, can there be progress on issues that all sides have an interest in advancing, such as water and agriculture.”

In this fashion, he told the envoys, “we will be able to build the foundations upon which we can begin to build a peace process.”

Henri Etoundi Essomba, ambassador of Cameroon and dean of the Diplomatic Corps, told the conference that the Knesset has “remained the main source of legitimacy of the government`s actions” and mentioned the “maturation” process the Knesset and Israel in general have gone through over the past five decades.

Essomba also spoke about the Knesset`s importance in promoting diplomatic processes and mentioned its support of the peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan. “We believe the Knesset will continue to play a major role in renewing the peace process with the Palestinians,” he said.

By: United with Israel Staff

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