Israelli President Reuven and Nechama Rivlin (Facebook)

After Israel’s First Lady Nechama Rivlin passed away on Monday, inspiring stories of President Reuven Rivlin’s devotion to his late wife warmed the hearts of Israelis throughout the land.

By United With Israel Staff

Following the death of Nechama Rivlin, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin’s wife, Israelis who knew the couple began sharing touching stories about the nearly 50-year bond between the Rivlins.

Israeli politician Dov Lipman, for instance, shared some of his first-hand experiences with President Rivlin, posting on Facebook two beautiful facts about our president’s relationship with his wife.”

“I saw the president’s motorcade leaving Jerusalem twice, quite late at night, over the last few months,” Lipman began. “I assumed he was going to visit his wife who was in a coma in Beilinson hospital in Petach Tikva. I found out today that the president made this trip EVERY night. Regardless of how late he finished his presidential responsibilities, he made the trip to sit at his wife’s side to tell her about his day.”

Lipman continued, recalling a now famous TV interview, “Last year, President Rivlin was asked what he wants it to say on his tombstone after he leaves this world. He replied: ‘He was Nechama’s husband.'”

Nechama was laid to rest in an emotional ceremony on Tuesday at Mount Herzl, with the president fighting back tears to intone,”The entire country loves you.”

The Rivlin’s married in 1971 and have four children. Nechama enjoyed a successful career as a researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, retiring in 2007 when her lung condition required attention.

President Rivlin was first elected to the Knesset in 1988. He has served in a wide range of positions including: Foreign Affairs and Defense; Constitution, Law and Justice; State Control; Anti-Drug Abuse; Education and Culture; Ethics; Finance; House; and Advancement of the Status of Women. He also was a member of the Committee for Appointing Judges; the Committee for the Examination of the Maccabia Bridge Disaster; the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on the Continuing Financial Crisis of the Local Governments; and the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Violence in Sports.

May Nechama rest in peace and may President Rivlin be comforted with the mourners of Zion.

To send condolences to President Rivlin, please write: Public@president.gov.il