Ayatollah Ali Khamenei photos and anti-Israel placards. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi) (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Tehran’s refusal to accept Israeli earthquake aid shows that Iranian leaders hate Israel more than they love their own people, says Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Israel has established itself as a world leader in natural disaster relief, rushing first responder teams to the scene of hurricanes, wildfires, and mudslides throughout the world. As such, Israeli Prime Minsiter Benjamin Netanyahu immediately extended an offer to send Israeli aid to Iran, which was recently rocked a massive earthquake.

To date, the earthquake has claimed the lives of over 500 victims, leaving around 7,700 injured. In a public address on Thursday, Netanyahu commented on the tragedy, “I saw mothers and fathers searching for their children, children buried under the rubble from this horrible earthquake. As a father, as an Israeli, as a Jew I wanted to help.”

“That is why yesterday I instructed that Israel offer medical aid via the Red Cross to victims of this disaster. Israel has no quarrel with the people of Iran. We never have. Our only quarrel is with the cruel Iranian regime, a regime that holds its people hostage, a regime that threatens our people with annihilation,” Netanyahu explained.

In response, Tehran immediately rejected the offer, consistent with its official position refusing to recognize Israel’s existence.

During the past year alone, Israeli first respondents have been dispatched to quake-stricken Mexico and hurricane-devastated Houston, where crack rescue teams have helped victims and assisted their return to normal life. Israeli doctors also routinely treat Syrian refugees maimed by fighting in their nation’s civil war.

In response to Iran’s rejection of Israeli aid, Netanyahu commented, “We will continue to offer sympathy and support to victims, no matter where they are from, even if their regime and their governments do not care for them as much as they care to hate us. We care. This is Israel, compassionate, caring, kind,” the prime minister stressed.”

“We do all this for one reason, we do it because it is the right thing to do. Too many times in my people’s history, the world failed to act when it could, the world failed to do the right thing. So we have a special sensitivity to help those in need. Today Israeli technology and medicine is saving lives around the world,” Netanyahu remarked.

By: Ezra Stone, United with Israel


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