PM Netanyahu and President Donald Trump (Avi Ohayon/GPO) (Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Netanyahu Trump

Netanyahu lauded Trump’s leadership, which has brought the alliance between America and Israel to a point where it’s “never been stronger, never been deeper.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Monday with President Donald Trump in New York City on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in a meeting during which they discussed several regional issues, and chiefly the “terrible nuclear deal with Iran,” as Netanyahu termed it.

In statements made before the meeting, Netanyahu lauded Trump’s leadership, which has brought the alliance between America and Israel to a point where it’s “never been stronger, never been deeper. I can say this in ways people see and in ways that they don’t see.”

Netanyahu agreed that Trump had “rightly called” the nuclear deal with Iran “terrible” and the two discussed “how to roll back Iran’s growing aggression in the region, especially in Syria.”

Israel is seeking ways to modify or annul the nuclear deal with Iran, which it perceives as a threat to its existence. Netanyahu reportedly presented Trump with operational strategies to address the issue.

Earlier in the day, Trump warned that Washington will walk away from the Iranian nuclear deal if the UN agency monitoring the agreement is not tough enough in monitoring it.

In a message to a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) read by US Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Trump said, “We will not accept a weakly enforced or inadequately monitored deal.”

Asked later on by a reporter if the US would stay in that deal, Trump answered only “you’ll see very soon.”

The US’ Strong and Clear Position

The two leaders also discussed progress in the diplomatic process between Israel and the Palestinians.

Trump expressed hope that his administration could achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians. “It would be a fantastic achievement. We’re giving it an absolute go. I think there’s a good chance that it could happen,” Trump stated.

Netanyahu spoke about seizing “the opportunity for peace between Israel and the Palestinians and between Israel and the Arab world. I think these things go together and we look forward to talking about how we can advance both.”

Netanyahu also thanked the US, under Trump, which has adopted an “unequivocal” position. “It’s been strong; it’s got both clarity and conviction. And I want to thank you on behalf of the people of Israel and Israel’s many friends around the world,” Netanyahu stated.

Trump is slated to meet with the Palestinians in the coming days.

By: United with Israel Staff
AP contributed to this report.

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