Bedouin in the IDF

The Bedouin Reconnaissance Battalion (IDF Blog)

Thanks to a joint initiative between the IDF and Israel Electric Corporation, discharged Bedouin soldiers can look forward to a promising future.

The IDF is cooperating with Israeli companies to help find jobs for discharged Bedouin soldiers.

“Integrating ethnic and religious minorities has always been a top priority for the IDF,” according to the IDF Blog. “But what happens to minority soldiers when they finish their service? A new joint initiative between the IDF and Israel Electric Corporation aims to address that very question.”

Bedouin soldier 1948

An IDF Bedouin soldier during the War of Independence, 1948. (IDF Blog)

The Bedouins are among the 25% of Israeli society who belong to non-Jewish ethnic and religious minorities. Since the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, Bedouins have served in the IDF, and many have attained high leadership positions within the military. Once discharged however, acquiring marketable skills and finding gainful employment often becomes a major challenge.

The Bedouin sector suffers from one of the largest unemployment rates in Israel, leading to fewer opportunities for growth and equality, the IDF blog stated.

The Bedouin Reconnaissance Battalion, in cooperation with Israel Electric Corporation, initiated a program that would provide discharged soldiers with suitable skills and help them find work within the corporation.

“This program is a jumpstart towards a better future for its participants,” explained Lt. Col. Shay Saraf, commander of the Bedouin Reconnaissance Battalion. “It gives our discharged soldiers a better opportunity to become a beneficial and equal part of society.”

“This is only the beginning,” said Maj. Hannah Spivak, who is responsible for the initiative. “We are currently in touch with several other companies in order to expand the project. Our ultimate goal is to help as many soldiers find their way into the workforce.”

Source: IDF Blog

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