The headquarters of Hamas was concealed beneath Shifa Hospital (IDF) (IDF)
Shifa Hospital, Hamas


“The occupation (i.e., Israel) stole organs from the corpses such as the cornea of the eye, the concha of the ear, liver, kidneys and heart” – newest PA libel.


The Palestinian Authority disseminated its latest libel on official PA TV as part of its news summary of the Gaza war. This latest odious lie is that Israel is stealing organs from the dead Palestinian bodies in Gaza.

Under the heading “The Israeli attack on Gaza,” PA TV posted the following words on the screen:

The Palestinian Authority has been disseminating fake news and libels daily since the October 7 atrocities committed by Hamas. Even when its lies are rejected by the entire international community the PA continues to disseminate its libels.

For example, the PA continues to disseminate the lie that it was Israel’s attack on a hospital in Gaza that murdered 500 Palestinians.

In fact, the world has all recognized that it was in Islamic Jihad missile that killed 50 Palestinians in the parking lot.

This latest libel that Israel is stealing organs from Palestinian corpses, is a renewal of an ongoing PA libel that Palestinian Media Watch has been reporting about for years.

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Rockets are falling. Sirens blare, with seconds to run for cover. IDF soldiers risk their lives battling terrorists inside Gaza. Thousands forced to abandon their homes in southern Israel.

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