Israeli leaders across the political spectrum decried the bad nuclear deal with Iran as an historic mistake which will endanger the entire world.
Israel’s leadership reacted harshly to the announcement by the P5+1 and Iran on Tuesday that they have reached an agreement regarding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear aspirations.
Israeli leaders, from left to right, charged the West with capitulation to Iran, warned that the deal made the world a more dangerous place, and vowed that Israel would defend itself in any way it saw fit and with all means.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the deal was bad because the P5+1 was “willing to make an agreement at any cost, this is the result.”
“This agreement is an historic mistake for the world,” the Israeli premier said during a meeting with Netherlands Foreign Minister Bert Koenders.
“Far-reaching concessions have been made in all areas that were supposed to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability. In addition, Iran will receive hundreds of billions of dollars with which it can fuel its terror machine and its expansion and aggression throughout the Middle East and across the globe,” Netanyahu warned.
He implicitly criticized President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry for their handling of the negotiations with Iran. “One cannot prevent an agreement when the negotiators are willing to make more and more concessions to those who, even during the talks, keep chanting: ‘Death to America.’” The US’ desire to sign an agreement was stronger than anything, he added.
Netanyahu called on Israel’s political system to “put petty politics aside and unite behind this most fateful issue to the future and security of the State of Israel.”
The West’s Historic Surrender

Deputy Foreign Minister Hotovely. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely stated that the agreement with the Islamic Republic was the West’s historic surrender to the “axis of evil” lead by Iran.
“The implications of this agreement in the perceived future appear very severe; Iran will continue to develop its terror network everywhere, will continue to fan the flames in the Middle East, and worst of all, will make a huge step towards becoming a threshold nuclear state.”
Hotovely stated that Israel would operate “through all diplomatic venues to thwart the ratifying of the agreement,” possibly relating to Congress and its review of the agreement.
A Nuclear Power is Born
Minister of Education Naftali said this day would be remembered in infamy in the annals of the free world. “On July 14, 2015, at 9:21 a nuclear power was born. The history books are being written today with a new and especially dangerous chapter.”
“The world’s citizens are waking up for another day of work or school and are not aware of the fact that a half trillion dollars will now be passed over to a new terror empire, which is the most dangerous country in the world and which has set its objective to destroy countries and nations,” Bennett declared.
“Today it is us, tomorrow it can be any country on the globe hit by an explosive briefcase in London or New York,” Bennett cautioned, adding that Israel would act on its interests and do what it needed to defend itself.
Ignoring History and the Current Dangers

MK Avigdor Liberman. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)
Former Foreign Minister MK Avigdor Liberman said the agreement was a total surrender to terror. “Agreements that ignore past experience endanger the future.” He said.
Liberman said that “the agreement with Iran will be remembered in history in the same line with the Munich Agreement [with Nazi Germany and Hitler which lead to the unset of World War Two] and the agreement with North Korea. This agreement is an agreement which ignores the great dangers, is a complete surrender to terror and unbridled violence in the international arena.”
“A black flag flies over this agreement and will be remembered in history as a black day for the entire free world,” he said.
“The State of Israel must ensure at all times and under all circumstances its defense, and needs to remember: ‘If I am not for myself, who will be for me’?”
By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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