Clay impression found on Jars in Hebron which state “For the King” which were used to collect materials needed for the upcoming war effort with Assyria. (Wikimedia Commons) (Wikimedia Commons)
Hebron seal


“All the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David sealed a covenant with them in Hebron before Hashem (G-d), and they anointed David as King over Israel” (2 Samuel 5:3)

By Nosson Shulman, Licensed Tour Guide

Unbeknownst to most, Hebron was the capital of Israel prior to Jerusalem becoming the eternal capital. During the first 7 years of his reign, King David ruled from Hebron. In his 7th year, King David planned a military operation that would change world history forever: the conquest of Jerusalem. He and his men headed north on today’s highway 60 and captured the holy city, making it Israel’s capital forever.

The exact route King David took to conquer Jerusalem. 3000 years later, this route (now paved) is still the main Hebron-Jerusalem route.
The exact route King David took to conquer Jerusalem. 3000 years later, this route (now paved) is still the main Hebron-Jerusalem route.

After the conquest of Jerusalem, Hebron is mentioned much less frequently in the Bible, although we know from Archeology that it continued to be an important administrative center.  It was also one of the 6 cities of refugee (click here to read more about the Biblical Cities of Refugee).

When the righteous King Hezekiah and his kingdom of Judah was threatened with annihilation by the Assyrians (see events from 2 Kings: 17-18) he mobilized all of his resources, including collecting the materials needed to build fortification walls (for more on one of the most important walls he built, click here).

The wall Hezekiah built in Jerusalem with the help of his subjects in Hebron.
The wall Hezekiah built in Jerusalem with the help of his subjects in Hebron.

Based on archeological finds, it appears that King Hezekiah designated 4 cities as regional capitals, to collect materials in preparation for war with Assyria from the surrounding areas. One of these cities was Hebron.

Clay impression found on Jars in Hebron which state “For the King” which were used to collect materials needed for the upcoming war effort with Assyria.
Clay impression found on Jars in Hebron which state “For the King” which were used to collect materials needed for the upcoming war effort with Assyria.

Ultimately one of the greatest miracles in world history happened, and Assyria was defeated for the first time ever.

In 422 BCE (some historians say 586 BCE) the Kingdom of Judah, including the city of Hebron, was conquered by the Babylonians who exiled its inhabitants to modern day Iraq.

The Babylonian Empire at its Zenith included Israel.
The Babylonian Empire at its Zenith included Israel.

The void in Hebron was filled with Edomites, Biblical enemies of Israel, who moved into the abandoned Jewish homes.

Residents of Edom (from the territory in Yellow) moved into the abandoned homes of the Kingdom of Judah, including Hebron, after it’s inhabitants were exiled.
Residents of Edom (from the territory in Yellow) moved into the abandoned homes of the Kingdom of Judah, including Hebron, after it’s inhabitants were exiled.

To contemporary observers from that time, it seemed like the Jewish people and their connection to Israel would cease to exist. This is because never in history had a small people been expelled from their land, yet returned to reestablish their Kingdom, all the while keeping the same religion and customs of their forefathers. But G-d had other plans!

To be continued (for part 3, click here)

Did you know that you can now actually tour Hebron from the comfort of your own home as if you were actually there? Check out my Hebron tour video

Nosson Shulman is a licensed tour guide and trip organizer in Israel who specializes in History, Tanach (Bible) and Adventure Tours. For itineraries click here. Check out his new virtual tours including free sneak preview videos. 

Send Passover Packages to Needy Israeli Soldiers - Bring Them Joy!

We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to protect the citizens of Israel. Soldiers have been in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria for extended periods - many are hoping to come home for Passover.

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Many soldiers spend the Passover holiday with needy families back home. The soldiers greatly appreciate your love and concern. Bring them Passover joy!