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Date Taken: 27-Dec-2015 13:58:33Copyright: copyright (c) Flash90 2015
Credit: Flash90
Title: .
Caption: Right-wing Jewish activists stage torture by the Shin Bet of arrested Jewish extremists, as a protest, at Kikar Hashabat in Jerusalem's Meah Shearim neighborhoodõ Jewish teens held by the Shin Bet security service in connection with the firebomb attack on a Palestinian home in the West Bank town of Duma, are claiming physical and psycological torture by Shin Bet while in administrative detention. The Shin Bet denies the torture allegations and said its investigations are conducted in accordance with the law. December 27, 2015. Photo by Nati Shohat/FLash90 *** Local Caption *** îîéöâ äòéðåééí òé äùáë ùì ôòéìé éîéï ãåîà èøåø éäåãé äôâðä éøåùìéí ùáë ëéëø äùáú òéðåé òéðåééí
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Focal Length: 35mm
Aperture: f/5
ISO: 400
Shutter Speed: 1/2500 second