Palestinians take part in a rally in support of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah October 04, 2016. Photo by FLASH90 *** Local Caption *** ?????? (Flash90)

A survey conducted last week by An-Najah University in Nablus found that 60 percent of Palestinians oppose a future Palestinian state based on the 1949 armistice lines, which are often erroneously referred to as the 1967 borders.

Almost 60 percent of Palestinians in Judea, Samaria, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip oppose a future Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders (actually the 1949 armistice lines) as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a survey conducted last week by An-Najah University in Nablus found.

The survey, which questioned 1,362 people in the two regions, found 59.4 percent oppose the idea as a solution to the conflict.

It also found 61.5 percent of Palestinians don’t believe it’s possible to establish a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders because of the current situation. Some 65.4 percent of Palestinians in Gaza hold this view, compared with 59.3 percent in Judea and Samaria.

Asked if Palestinians must continue with the Oslo Accords, even though Israel stopped supporting them (according to the survey question), 74 percent answered they must stop, while 18.2 percent answered they must continue.

Meanwhile, some 48.7 percent oppose non-violent resistance, while 45.7 percent support such resistance. Asked about an armed intifada, 55.7 percent oppose this, while 38 percent support it. Backing of violent resistance is higher in Gaza than in Judea or Samaria: 52 percent of Gazans support an armed intifada and 36 percent oppose it, while in Judea and Samaria, 29.8 percent support an armed intifada.

By: Israel Hayom/Exclusive to

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