A previous airstrike in Syria. (SANA via AP) (SANA via AP)


Israel has communicated to Syria that it won’t stand idly by while Iran turns Damascus into a hub for weapons with which to threaten the Jewish people.

By United with Israel Staff

Over the years, Tehran’s tentacles have slowly taken over Lebanon and Syria, using them as bases for Iranian weapons, which are often shipped to the Hezbollah terror group.

After reports that Iran had recently transferred weapons to Hezbollah via civilian flights, Israel allegedly warned Lebanon at the beginning of December that it would bomb Beirut International Airport.

Syria, for its part, appears to not have heeded Israel’s warnings, or the numerous previous strikes on Iranian targets previously attributed to Israel.

Early Monday, Israel allegedly fired missiles at the Damascus Airport, shutting it down temporarily, killing two soldiers, and wounding two other fighters, according to the Syrian army.

The attack was the second within a little over half a year to stop service at Damascus Airport.

While Israel did not confirm or deny the Monday night strike, it has on multiple occasions targeted Syrian infrastructure used to transport Iranian arms to the Jewish state’s doorstep.

Back in June, Israeli airstrikes damaged the Damascus Airport’s runways, shutting it down for two weeks.

In September, Israeli fighters struck Aleppo Airport, knocking it out of service for several days.

“Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes on targets inside government-controlled parts of Syria in recent years, but rarely acknowledges or discusses such operations,” reported the Associated Press on Tuesday. “Israel has acknowledged, however, that it targets bases of Iran-allied [terror] groups, such as Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which has sent thousands of fighters to support Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces.”

Iran-backed fighters work to keep in power Syrian dictator Assad, who is known as “The Butcher of Damascus” due to the atrocities he has committed against the Syrian people.

Israel refers to “Iranian presence on its northern frontier” as a “red line,” added the AP report.

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